DISCUSSION PANELISTS Keisha Caruthers-Director of Program Initiatives, Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater St. Louis Liz Peinado - Director, Sanctuary Dawn Winkler- Executive Director, United4Children Gloria Hampton - Director of School Age Services, Neighborhood Houses
WHAT IS OUT- OF-SCHOOL TIME (OST) ? Also known as : before and after care expanded learning opportunities School age care Includes: Summer programs Saturday programs
AFTERSCHOOL WORKS! OST programs provide: A Safe nurturing environment Academic or Recreational Enrichment Opportunities for parents to work
Afterschool programs are uniquely suited to … become America's new neighborhood -- a safe space for both kids and parents to gather to learn, play and connect. By giving schools, community based organizations and communities a sound investment in one another, afterschool programs have the power to reduce crime, increase safety, bring neighbors together, and foster community pride and ownership.
"In communities where at least 50 percent of the kids are participating in after-school programs, that community is five times more likely to be a healthy community because they are putting resources behind their children." Grenae Dudley, executive director of the Youth Connection in Detroit. AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS BRING COMMUNITIES TOGETHER
Decrease in crime A safe haven that keeps kids away from violence An alternative to gangs and street life, allowing kids to develop new skills and interact positively with peers Participants contribute to economic opportunity by providing academic support and job skills Higher academic outcomes ( homework completion, test scores, graduation rates) THE IMPACT “Every dollar invested in afterschool programs will save taxpayers approximately $3, according to a study by the Rose Institute at Claremont McKenna College.”
Talk to your local, state and national leaders Volunteer time, talents, resources Provide an opportunity for community service Neighborhoods can adopt a school Be a mentor Sponsor a program Plan an event Get to know the children in your neighborhood Donate to a program Vote LINKING NEIGHBORS, NEIGHBORHOODS AND COMMUNITIES WITH AFTERSCHOOL PROGRAMS – WHAT CAN YOU DO?
REFERENCES Afterschool Alliance Issues and Opportunities n Out-of-School Time Evaluation- Harvard Family Research Project Afterschool Programs: Keeping Kids — and Communities — Safe Afterschool Alliance: PrintAfterschool Alliance: Print Afterschool : the Bridge Connecting Schools and Communities