Edgewood ISD
School District Effectiveness Statutory Requirements Valid Indicators of Performance Maximum Inclusion Individual Program Accountability High Standards What is PBMAS?
IndicatorStandardDistrictPerformance Level STAAR Mathematics STAAR Reading STAAR Science LEP Graduation Rate Bilingual/ESL Education
IndicatorStandardDistrictPerformance Level STAAR Mathematics STAAR Reading STAAR Science Special Education Representation Special Education
IndicatorStandardDistrictPerformance Level TAKS Mathematics LEP TAKS Mathematics LEP TAKS ELAR LEP TAKS Science ECO DIS TAKS Mathematics SPED TAKS Mathematics SPED TAKS ELAR SPED TAKS Science SPED TAKS Social Studies CTE Dropout Career and Technical Education
IndicatorStandardDistrictPerformance Level Migrant STAAR Mathematics Migrant STAAR Reading No Child Left Behind
IndicatorProgramStandardDistrict Title 1, Part A Dropout 7-12NCLB SPED Annual Dropout 7-12SPED SPED Discretionary Placement ISS SPED10.0 Difference 22.2 SPED Discretionary Placement OSS SPED6.0 Difference 13.0 Required Improvement
IndicatorProgramStandardDistrict Migrant STAAR ScienceNCLB Migrant Annual Dropout Rate NCLB Migrant RHSP/DAPNCLB70.0* Migrant Graduation RateNCLB Not Assigned and/or Special Analysis
Met Standard Bilingual Education BE STAAR-All Contents ESL STAAR-Social Studies LEP Not Served STAAR-All Contents LEP Year After Exit STAAR-All Contents LEP Annual Dropout 7-12 LEP RHSP/DAP TELPAS Composite Ratings
Met Standard CTE Education TAKS-ELAR, Science, Social Studies LEP TAKS-Social Studies ECO DIS TAKS-ELAR, Science, Social Studies RHSP/DAP Graduation Rate
Met Standard NCLB Title 1, Part A STAAR –All Contents RHSP/DAP Graduation Rate Migrant STAAR-Social Studies
Met Standard Special Education STAAR-Social Studies Year After Exit STAAR-Mathematics, Reading, Science STAAR Participation Rate Least Restrictive Environment Ages 3-21 RHSP/DAP Graduation Rate SPED Representation-African American, Hispanic, LEP Discretionary Placements DAEP
Causal Factors for Low Performance
Causal Factors Special Education Limited progress through early intervention Limited response to intensive research-based interventions Disability identified that significantly impacts learning Failure to consistently implement IEP Poor IEP development Rigor and relevance is absent from daily instruction
Causal Factors Bilingual/ESL Education ESL STAAR passing rate at TAKS equivalent (3) 8 th grade science was 43% overall. The standard needed is 65%. Academic language continues to be a challenge for ELL students. LEP/ELL Graduation rate (2) The three year average was 42%. The standard needed is 75%. Although rate is improving, we are still not at the required average. Lack of credit accrual/recovery continues to contribute to dropout rate of ELL/LEP students.
Causal Factors Career and Technical Education CTE students as a collective group score better than the EISD general population and above the state standard (except Math this year) CTE/ELL and CTE/Spec Ed students score below target passing rate the due to their specific individual challenges. While passing rate is below state standard it is also below the State CTE/ELL and CTE/Spec Ed rates (next slide). Testing data (benchmarks, comprehensives, and TAKS) not used to impact instruction. SIOP strategies and differentiated instruction not used consistently. Note: The population for these indicators is only 10 th and 11 th grade students coded a “2”. As student is coded a “2” if they are taking a sequence of CTE courses according to their 4/6 year plan. Not all CTE students count for these indicators.
Special Pops CTE Comparison Subject (passing rate) EISD CTE/ELL State CTE/ELL EISD CTE/SEState CTE/SE Math (70)47.1%56.5%40.9%41.4% ELA (70)33.3%56.2%56.5%59.5% Science (65)45.5%51.6%30.8%48.4% Social Studies (70) 72.7%82.6%56.7%80.6%
Increasing number /percentage of dropouts in the last 3 years. State standard is 3%. , 2% , 2.4% , 5.2% Leavers not monitored by special population Coding of CTE students not consistent from year to year. Note: The population for this indicator is all CTE students Causal Factors Career and Technical Education
Causal Factors No Child Left Behind Lack of understanding of the depth of knowledge required by the TEKS Lack of rigor in instructional delivery
GOAL: Create a district improvement plan to address causal factors of low performance Folder contains: List of Members, Roles, Guiding Questions & Improvement Plan Template, District Progress Report Assign Roles Use guiding questions to drive discussion Create intervention activity Fill out Improvement Plan Template Use chart tablet to record activity to share with group Each groups will have 5 minutes to share activity Group Activity
Area Targeted Major Systems Components Strategy, Initiative, or Redesign Start Date Projected Completion Date Evidence of Implementation Resources Required and Persons Responsible State Assessment Instruction Rigorous and Relevant Template
30 Minutes Group Activity