Unit Two: Ancient & Classical Art Developed by Cynthia Millis and Lisa Wildermuth for Online Model ARTS 1303 Course
Roman Please study the related Map and Timeline in the required text.
Chronology Roman Republic 509 – 27 BCE Early Empire 27 BCE – 96 CE Augustus’ Reign 27 BCE – 14 CE Titus’ Reign 79 – 81 CE High Empire 96 – 192 CE Trajan’s Reign 98 – 117 CE Hadrian’s Reign 117 – 138 CE Marcus Aurelius’ Reign 161 – 180 CE Late Empire 192 – 476 CE The Tetrarchy 293 – 312 CE Constantine I 312 – 337 CE
Many aspects of ancient Roman culture are surprisingly similar to contemporary American culture. As you work through the Roman material think about these similarities. According to your text and a GWS, how did the Romans come to power and what was the extent of their geographic territory at the empire’s height? According to the text and a GWS, what language did the Romans speak? Do scholars believe it was the only language spoken in the empire? How did language play into class structure or hierarchy in Roman society? >patricians >plebeians
According to your text and PBS, describe the Roman religion including the termsPBS >polytheism >deify Revisiting the text and Penn Museum, finish your chart to include the GreekPenn gods/goddesses listed below, Etruscan names and their specific responsibilities, and adding the Roman equivalents. Zeus Hera Athena Aphrodite Apollo
Using the text and Met Museum, describe Roman funeraryMet practices including the terms >ancestor veneration/worship >death mask >portrait >verism
Which do you think this image illustrates and why? The Romans lived much of their daily lives in the public sphere as reflected in the abundance of public architecture. Even their domestic architecture has public elements to it. Let’s begin with the private and then move to the public. Roman homes are divided into >domus >insulae
Using the text, Met Museum and Pompei Ercolano Stabia, describe a Roman domusMetPompei Ercolano Stabia (make a small floor plan sketch, if it helps) including the terms >atrium >peristyle >tablinum >cubicula >triclinium
Match the room to the photo: 1. Atrium 2. Peristyle 3. Cubiculum 4. Kitchen
Roman public life centered in the >forum Many types of public buildings were included in a Roman forum, such as >baths >markets >basilicas
According to the text and NOVA, describe the functions of a Roman bath. (Hint: It was not just to take a bath!)NOVA Based on your description, what modern locale is similar to the Roman Bath?
According to the text and Professor Aicher for NOVA, how were aqueducts constructed?Professor Aicher Aqueducts were not the only place Romans used the arch. The round-headed arch became one of the hallmarks of Roman architecture. How do the following terms relate to the Roman arch? Make a small sketch to help you remember! >voissoir >keystone >arcade A second hallmark of Roman architecture is the widespread use of concrete. This is a building material we take for granted today. During Roman times it allowed the empire to build on an unprecedented scale. According to the text and NOVA, what was the Roman recipe for concrete?NOVA In order to supply the baths and other public buildings with water, Roman engineers became masters in the art of constructing >aqueducts
A popular emperor, Trajan undertook an extensive public works campaign. One focus of this campaign was Trajan’s Forum. According to the text, Trajan hired the architect, __________ of ___________ to design the complex. Let’s look to the Forum of Trajan for our examples of a market and a basilica. The Markets of Trajan are uniquely placed on the side of a hill so that they appear to naturally grow from the landscape. The market itself combines a covered hall and three level building.
It is thought the two-storied, covered hall (called the Aula) might have been used for distributing imperial food rations in addition to housing shops, offices and receiving deliveries. According to the text, store owners were proud of their products even including images of them on their “tombstones”. For fun, can you guess what these store owners might have sold?
Near the Markets of Trajan stood the Basilica Ulpia, so named for _________ __________________. Using the text and a GWS, label the two libraries, two apses and nave in this blank plan. According to the text, what were some of the functions of Roman basilicas? ***Note: the list you’ve made contains secular functions only! >secular What was the specific function of the Basilica Ulpia?
Romans loved to decorate both their private and public buildings. One decorating technique they used was mosaic. According to the text and this video from the Art Institute of Chicago, briefly describe the technique of mosaic. Be sure to include the termsChicago >tesserae >grout >emblemata
In addition to decorating their floors with mosaics, Romans embellished their walls with >buon fresco >fresco secco According to the text and the Met, what events at Pompeii led to the preservation ofMet and our ability to study so many examples of Roman wall painting?
Roman Republic
All of the above was colored by the politics of the time. Rome went through various periods in its political development. To begin, according to the text and the Met, describe the politics of the late Roman Republic. (Does the pictured “love triangle” help in your description?)Met
Early Roman Empire
According to the text and British Museum, how did Rome transition from a Republic to an Empire?British Museum Who was the first emperor? How did he come to power? This sculpture of that emperor tells us a lot (more precisely, a lot about what he wants to tell us – which sets up the model for an important way emperors communicated throughout the duration of the Roman Empire). He tells us he is a successful military leader, a skilled orator and keeps company with the gods. Using the text and Vatican Museums, describe the visual clues to each of these roles. Vatican Museums
Identify the figure on the left. (Hint: This is a review!) ___________________ How are these two sculptures similar? How are they different? Why is the sculpture on the right considered a good example of art from its period?
Roman emperors not only used sculpture to portray their strength and further their powerful agendas, they also used architecture. One of the most impressive buildings of the Early Imperial Period (or any period, for that matter) is this building. According to the text and Professor Keith Hopkins, the building was dedicated with the name _____________ Amphitheater, but is better known by its “nickname” _____________.Hopkins >theater >amphitheater Construction was begun by the emperor ___________ and completed by his son _______________. Discuss the politics surrounding its construction and the political purpose the building served.
Construction would not have been possible without ___________ (material favored and perfected by Roman engineers for their huge building projects). Using your text and the previous website, discuss the exterior design of the building, including the terms: >Attic Story >Tuscan Order >Corinthian Order >Ionic Order >Engaged Column
Continuing with the interior construction, the Romans utilized their arch to the maximum here. They created the numerous tunnels and corridors within the building using >barrel vaults >groin vaults With a seating capacity of 50,000 – entering, exiting and seating for the event was very orderly. How was this achieved? Any modern buildings remind you of this design?
According to Shelby Brown for Archaeology, spectators lucky enough to get a seat, entered theArchaeology >arena and enjoyed what types of entertainment? What progression did these types follow?
High Roman Empire
Roman engineering and materials were not only used for secular buildings, such as the amphitheater above, but also temples. Arguably the most famous of these dates to the High Imperial Period and is known as the _____________ (pictured here). Although dedicated to the Roman gods ___________________________ during the emperor ______________’s reign, its Greek roots and influence are evident. Discuss the building’s >portico using your Greek architectural vocabulary.
Once you enter the building, the similarity to Greek temples ends. This is a very “Roman” construction. Using your text discuss the building’s design, including the terms: >rotunda >dome >coffers >oculus
Using art and architecture for imperial propaganda continued during the High Empire. It was thought to be so effective even standard types of art and architecture were used by multiple emperors, including the: >commemorative column >equestrian statue >triumphal arch
This monument is an example of which of the three types from the previous slide? According to the text and Professor Roger B. Ulrich,Ulrich the monument immortalized the emperor _________’s military victories over the _________. It later became the emperor’s tomb. Summarize the primary scenes or types of scenes included on the monument. How are these scenes visually organized?
They are rendered in a combination of >low relief >high relief
Late Roman Empire
With the Late Empire comes the beginning of the decline of the Roman Empire. Per the text, what were some of the causes of this decline? In an effort to save the empire, what drastic political steps did the emperor Diocletian take? Art echoed the dramatic changes Diocletian initiated politically. Imperial art created under the tetrarchy looks very different from any previous period in Roman history. According to the text, what are some of the characteristics of this new style? What is the meaning/symbolism behind these characteristics?
According to the text, what was Constantine’s relationship to the tetrarchy? How did the tetrarchy end? What was Constantine’s position on Christianity? What shaped this position? This ___________ _________ was erected in Constantine’s honor to commemorate a military victory (as do other monuments of this type). Discuss that military victory.
The monument is decorated with new sculpture and reused sculpture taken from previous emperor’s monuments. Using the text, match these >tondi with their original imperial owner. a. Augustus b. Titus c. Trajan d. Hadrian How does this bottom relief, newly created for the monument, differ in style from the reused tondi above?