Colfax Corridor Connections (Denver) & 15/15L Transit Priority Study (RTD) RTD Board - Planning & Development Committee August 6, 2013
Two Projects Colfax Corridor Connections –Lead is City/County of Denver –Scope is long-term, looking to 2035 –Currently no funding for implementation 15/15L Transit Priority Study –Lead is RTD –Scope is short-term, implementation 2-3 years Projects are not tied together, but are coordinating
Colfax Corridor Connections (Denver) City/County of Denver-led Alternatives Analysis (AA) and environmental clearance (NEPA process) –In collaboration with RTD, Aurora, DRCOG Follow up from Denver’s 2010 Streetcar Feasibility Study Funded by $2 million FTA AA grant (plus $1 million local match from Denver) Focuses on East Colfax corridor from I-25 to I-225
Project purpose: –To identify and provide a package of multi- modal transportation improvements in the East Colfax corridor that: Meet current and future person-trip demand Improve mobility, connectivity, safety, and accessibility Help to mitigate congestion Encourage a shift of auto trips to alternative modes Interact seamlessly, efficiently, and safely with other transportation corridors, systems, and modes Colfax Corridor Connections (Denver)
Since June 2012, Project has performed two levels of evaluation – transit modes and alignments Looking at three modes on East Colfax: –Enhanced bus –Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) –Modern streetcar Current evaluation focus is on high-level environmental aspects, cost-effectiveness, transit ridership, traffic, and economic development impact Colfax Corridor Connections (Denver)
Next Steps –Late summer/early fall 2013 Complete AA evaluation; select locally preferred alternative Hold public meetings –Fall 2013 Conduct environmental clearance Hold public hearing –End of 2013 Conclude the study Project website: Colfax Corridor Connections (Denver)
15/15L Transit Priority Study (RTD) RTD-led capital project to reduce travel time and increase security and ridership for routes 15/15L $3.9 million project, funded by: –80% by SB1 funds –10% RTD local match –10% from City/County of Denver Focuses on East Colfax between Broadway and Yosemite
Project goals and objectives –Reduce bus travel time –Improve schedule reliability –Facilitate improved security, amenities and efficient boarding for passengers –Integrate transit stop facilities into the adjacent urban form –Maintain general and cross-street traffic flow 15/15L Transit Priority Study (RTD)
Potential improvements include: –Stop amenity improvements Repair and replace existing amenities Lighting Shelters Security cameras –Bus bulbs –Bypass lanes/queue jumps –Transit signal priority 15/15L Transit Priority Study (RTD)
Three phases of the project –Phase 1: Study (underway) Analysis completed, results being evaluated Stakeholder group meeting late summer 2013 Report expected Fall 2013 –Phase 2: Design; anticipated to start late Fall 2013 –Phase 3: Construction; anticipated to start late /15L Transit Priority Study (RTD)