NextPreviousEnd More than 70% of potato in India is grown in north Indian plains; the largest number of cultivars has been developed for this region. Introduction The maturity groups for the hills are early ( days); medium ( days) and late ( days). Each variety varies in its potentials to contribute towards yield basing on the agro ecological conditions. The cultivars developed for the plains fall in 3 maturity groups i.e. early ( days); medium ( days) and late ( days). Cultivars have also been developed for north Indian hills and special problem areas viz., Sikkim and North Bengal hills and South Indian hills (Table 5).
NextPreviousEnd Crop duration and region-wise adaptability of Indian potato varieties Variety Crop DurationRegions of Adaptability EarlyMediumLateNIHNIPSNBHPLTSIH Kufri Alanker Kufri Anand Kufri Asloka Kufri Badshal K. Bahar K. Chamatkar K. Chandramukhi K. Chipsona-1 K. Chipsona-2 K. Chipsona-3 K. Dewa K. Giriraj K. Jawahar K. Jeevan K. Jyoti
NextPreviousEnd K. Khusigaro K. Kisan K. Kuber K. Kumar K. Kundan K. Lalima K. Lauvkar K. Megha K. Muthu K. Naveen K. Neela K. Neelamani K. Pukhraj K. Red K. Safed K. Sheetman K. Sherpa K. Sindhuri K. Sutlej K. Swarna
NextPreviousEnd Biotic and a biotic resistance varieties In India, the focus has been on developing cultivars resistant to Phytophthora, suitable under short-day conditions In fact, Indian potato varieties are already popular in many of the countries. The selections I-822 and I-1085 are grown as the cultivars Krushi and Sita. Furthermore; Indian potato varieties enjoy a high degree of consumer preference. Two Indian varieties, Kufri Chandramukhi and Kufri Lauvkar, are very popular in Afghanistan and can be equally good in other central Asian countries. Thus, the varietal development programme of India would better suit rather than the long-day variety programmes. The emphasis has also to be on developing heat tolerant and drought resistant cultivars.
NextPreviousEnd Biotic and A biotic tolerance varieties Varieites Salient features and Adaptability Kufri Jyoti Medium-maturing, good for processing, field resistant to late and early blights and immune to wart, and tolerant to viruses. Wide adaptablity Kufri KhasigaroLate maturing and resistant to both late and early blight. Hills of Meghalaya Kufri NeelaLate-maturing and moderately resistant to late blight. Nilgiri Hills Kufri Naveen Late maturing and resistant to late blight and immune to wart. Northern hills of West Bengal and Meghalaya Kufri NeelamaniLate maturing and resistant to late blight. Nilgiri hills Kufri Sheetman Medium to late-maturing and resistant to frost. North Indian plains and tarai area of Uttar Pradesh Kufri MuthuMedium-maturing and resistant to late blight. Nilgiri hills Kufri Lauvkar Early-maturing and rapid bulking under warmer conditions, suitable for processing. Plateau region of peninsular India Kufri Dewa Medium maturing, good keeping quality and resistant to frost. Tarai area of western Uttar Pradesh
Previous Kufri Badshah Medium- maturing, resistant to both late and early blights and PVX. North Indian plains and plateau region of peninsular India Kufri BaharMedium-maturing and heavy yielder. North Indian plains Kufri LalilmaMedium-maturing with red tuber and resistant to virus 'X' North Indian plains Kufri Sherpa Medium-maturing, resistant to late blight and immune to wart. Hills of west Bengal Kufri SwarnaMedium-maturing, resistant to late blight and cyst nematode. Nilgiri hills Kufri MeghaMedium-maturing, late blight resistant. Hills of Meghalaya Kufri Ashoka Short duration(75days). Plains of central and eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar and West Bengal Kufri Jawahar Medium-maturing, resistant to late blight and ideal for intercropping. Punjab, Haryana and the plateau regions of Madhya Pradesh, Gujarat and Karnataka Kufri Sutlej Medium-maturing and resistant to late blight. Western and central Indo- Gangetic plains Kufri Pukhraj Medium-maturing and resistant to late blight. Northern plains and plateau region Kufri Chipsona-1 Medium-maturing and resistant to late blight. Excellent for chip making. Indo-Gangetic plains Kufri Chipsona-2 Medium-maturing and resistant to late blight. Excellent for Chipping. Indo- Gangetic plains Kufri GirirajMedium to late-maturing and resistant to late blight. North western hills Kufri AnandMedium maturing and resistant to late blight. Heavy yielder. Northern plains Kufri KumarLate-maturing and moderately resistant to late blight. North Indian hills