EUPHRESCO EUropean PHytosanitary REsearch Coordination Session 1: INTRODUCTION AND FRAMEWORK Overview and examples of phytosanitary research especially pilot projects.
Mapping step: work package 2 Mapping and analysis of national phytosanitary research programmes (quarantine regulated plant health). (1) Answers to questionnaires by national organisations (funding or managing research, 33 [+2] completed questionnaires). Most programmes (82%) are financed by only one funder. Most programmes (75%) are part of larger ones. Most programmes (43%) are continuous.
Mapping step: work package 2 Mapping and analysis of national phytosanitary research programmes (quarantine regulated plant health). (2) 35 programmes, grouping 260 projects. Most projects from 10 K€ to 80 K€ (average 41 K€), funded for 1 to 3 years. Full report available on Full report available on
Mapping step: work package 2 Objectives of national phytosanitary programmes. Mainly applied research (+/- 80%). Exclusion of quarantine pests. Eradication and containment of plant pests. Policy optimisation. Trade facilitation.
Mapping step: work package 2 Financing. 15 M€ (2007). From 40 K€ to 1.2 M€. Total budget more or less steady ( ).
Pilot projects Aim of pilot projects and limitations To obtain answers to technical and scientific questions ask by NPPOs. To promote cooperation between partners while formulating questions and while bringing science to answer those questions; To test mechanisms of funding developed within Euphresco. But questions and fundings must be suitable for projects to be achieved within the Euphresco timeframe (launch in 2008, results expected by the end of 2009)...
Pilot projects Virtual common pot projects. 14 Euphresco funding partners. 5 projects. - PEKID - Phytosanitary Efficacy of Kiln Drying (4 funders, 150 K€). AT, DE, SI, IT. - DEP - Detection and Epidemiology of Pospiviroids (9 funders, 310 K€). AT, DE, DK, FR, NL, SI, UK. - ERWINDECT - Development and validation of innovative diagnostic tools for the detection of fire blight (Erwinia amylovora) (7 funders, 150 K€). AT, CH, ES, FR, SI. - PROPSCAPH - Evaluation of the risk of spread of Scaphoideus titanus, the vector of Grapevine Flavescence doree, with commercial grapevine propagation material (4 funders, 80 K€). CH, FR, IT, SI. - AMBROSIA - Strategies for Ambrosia control (5 funders, 230 K€). CH, DE, DK, FR, SI.
Pilot projects Real pot projects. 2 Euphresco funding partners, expected budget of 250 K€. 2 projects. - Q-AMP, development of validated procedures for whole genomic amplification of DNA/RNA for quarantine plant pathogens and pests. - DeCLAIM, decisions support systems for control of alien invasive macrophytes.
Pilot projects Non competitive projects. 15 Euphresco funding partners. 4 projects, including the validation and ring testing of diagnostic methods for specific regulated pests or pathogens. - Ralstonia solanacearum and Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus (potato brown rot and potato ring rot): especially, validation of methods that can be approved for use via control directives. -Pantoea stewartii subsp. stewartii; maize bacterial blight. - Globodera pallida and Globodera rostochiensis (potato cyst nematodes): species and resistance identification. - Whitefly transmitted viruses (TYLCV, CYSDV, CVYV, ToCV, TICV).
Pilot projects All pilot projects proposals found research institutions to carry out the work. Submitted proposals were of very good quality in terms of science and teams. No major problem encountered until now. Final evaluation to be available beginning of 2010.
Overview and examples … Thank you.