TAFL A family of scandinavian games
Long, long time ago… During high middle-age, in Scandinavia, the snowy and harsh lands of northern Europe, Before our ancestors had learned to read, to play classical music and to play chess, When WAR was the ultimate art form…
At a time when Vicking were spreading terror and exploring new lands beyond the ocean.
Where they went, Vicking spread fear, pain, death, and…
Where they settled, the brought Their own style of art, decorations, clothes…
AND the game of TAFL!!!! Vicking playing TAFLTafl board game
Actually, the TAFL family Hnefatafl (Scandinavia) Alea Evangelii (England) Tawlbwrdd (Wales) Brandubh (Ireland) Ard Ri (Scotland) Tablut (Lapland)
Let’s explore the easy version Pieces: Black warriors, white warriors, and the white king. Goal: The blacks want to capture the king. The whites want the king to land on a castle (corners).
Moves and captures Pieces may move horizontally or vertically as far as the path is clear. Pieces capture when they accomplish sandwiching i.e. on two opposite sides of a single opponent piece. ALSO : A black can also be captures between a white and a catle.
How do you capture the king?