Welcome Parents Curriculum Night Sign-in on ONE of the sign-in sheets (there’s one at each table group) Take a purple form and fill it out. Give it to Mrs. Cunningham. Your student has artwork in the building, please stop by and take a look!
Mrs. Cunningham’s Story Kentridge High School University of Washington - a degree in business Eastern Washington University in 2005 This is my 9 th year of teaching
My Family… Married for almost 21 years Lived in Enumclaw for 17 years Our daughters are 17 and almost 16 and go to EHS.
I believe… Every child can learn and be successful in the classroom Students should have choice In teaching students to be independent, to make decisions for themselves, and to solve problems on their own, when appropriate. In teaching respect. In setting high expectations and pushing students to reach the goals they set for themselves. In teaching perseverance.
You Can Learn Anything
Schedule 9:00-9:30Writing 9:30-10:00Math 10:00-11:15Math 11:15-11:30Recess 11:30-12:30Writing 12:30-1:30Recess/Lunch 1:30-2:00WINN 2:00-3:00Literacy 3:00-3:30Read Aloud Music/PE - Mon and Wed Library – Wed Computers – Thurs
Goals Read 40 books by the end of the year Score 90% or higher on math fact fluency assessments (Oct, Dec, Feb, June) Score 80% or higher on math standards monitoring assessments (Oct, Dec, Feb, June) Score 3 or higher on writing assessments (narrative, informative, opinion)
Grading Standards Based Reporting What can your child do? Evidence 4 = Advanced 3 = Proficient 2 = Basic 1 = Below Basic
Homework minutes a night (Monday-Thursday) Reading should be a daily habit Students who complete homework earn a pink ticket, and students who do not, may be given time during the day to work on their work (usually recess time)
Planners Before lunch each day students fill out planners Record homework and important dates Parents, please sign their planner by Thursday of each week. Planners do not come home on Friday
My Website Links to helpful website Copies of newsletters Calendar Pictures
Bike Ride This spring 3 rd /4 th graders will be going
Volunteers Copies/Misc. projects Scholastic Book Order Halloween Party Bike Ride Paperwork – 2 weeks
Snacks After Recess Healthy (crackers, fruit, veggies, half a sandwich, cheese, etc.) Community snack
How to Support Your Child Read with them Ask them questions about their reading Practice math facts Create problem solving situations Make sure they get enough rest, eat breakfast and have access to a lunch each day Give them time to play Contact me if you have any questions or concerns
How to Contact Mrs. C Phone Stop by
Thank you for coming! Please fill out the purple sheet and leave it with me