O: You will be able to distinguish between explosive and non- explosive volcanic eruptions. Do Now: What is a volcano? Give details to explain your answer.
Volcanoes Volcanoes are areas of Earth’s surface through which magma and volcanic gases pass. They can look like mountains, they can be flat, or they can be underwater.
Two main types of Eruptions Explosive Non-explosive
Non-explosive eruptions are the most common type of eruption. These eruptions produce relatively calm flows of lava. Non-explosive eruptions can release huge amounts of lava.
Explosive Eruptions During an explosive eruption, clouds of hot debris, ash, and gas rapidly shoot out from a volcano. Instead of producing lava flows, explosive eruptions cause molten rock to be blown into tiny particles that harden in the air.
The dust-sized particles, called ash, can reach the upper atmosphere and can circle the Earth for years. Larger pieces of debris fall closer to the volcano. An explosive eruption can also blast millions of tons of lava and rock from a volcano.
Homework 1. What is the difference between an explosive and a non-explosive volcanic eruption? 2. What one causes more damage? Why? 3. How do you think that a non-explosive eruption can effect the climate of an area?