Academic Affairs/Student Affairs Workshop August 4 th and August 9 th, 2011
Grants =free money Loans =self-help, funds to be repaid Scholarships =free money Work-Study=self-help, funds earned Students are notified via to check GET. Students may use GET to accept or decline awards and to check their TO DO LIST for missing documents. 2
Cal Grant and State University Grant recipients are eligible for an increase to their grants to accommodate the fee increase. 3
GRADUATE STUDENT BORROWERS Effective July 1, 2012 Interest on federal Subsidized loans will begin to accrue while students are in school. Currently, the government pays the interest on Subsidized loans for students enrolled ½-time. ALL STUDENT LOAN BORROWERS Effective July 1, 2012 Elimination of on-time repayment incentives. Currently, federal Stafford loan borrowers who make 12- consecutive on-time payments are eligible for a rebate of 0.5% of the loan amount, which is applied to the 1% repayment fee. 4 The savings from these changes will be used to preserve the Federal Pell Grant program. Pell Grants provide up to $5,550 for low income college students.
New Regulations effective July 1, 2011 Final Regulations from Code of Federal Regulations – , Updated policy available online. Students were notified via and advised to refer to the policy.
GPA Rate of Completion Maximum Units (Excessive Units) Review Frequency the end of the Spring quarter
Undergraduate 2.0 Post- Bacc/Credential 2.5 Graduate 3.0 7
Students must achieve a 75% passing rate of all attempted units. Example: student attempts 36 units for the year and successfully passes 24 units 24/36 = 66% passing rate Student’s aid eligibility suspended. 8
Earned Units (for all degree programs) include: A, A-,B, B+, B-,C, C+, C-, D, D+, D-, CR, RP, and all transfer units. Attempted Units (for all degree programs) include: A, A-, B, B+, B- C, C+, C-, D, D+, D-, F, IC, IN, CR, NC, RD, W, WU, repeat, and all transfer units. Grades of: F, I, IC, IN, CR, NC, U, W, WU count as units attempted with zero units earned for all degree programs. 9
DESCRIPTION The maximum timeframe a student is expected to finish a program is no more than 150% of the units required to complete an educational program. For determining academic progress, all attempted units and transfer units are counted, whether or not financial aid funding was received. MAX UNITS FUNDS MAY BE RECIVED FOR: 271 units Undergraduate 112 units Graduate 10
No more automatic probation. Students not meeting SAP will be disqualified and must appeal for funding consideration. This will increase the number of appeals submitted to the FA Office. Regarding Course Repeats FA may fund student “ time for retaking previously passed coursework if, for example, the student needed to meet an academic standard for that particular course, such as a minimum grade”. [excerpt from federal regulations, page 66948]
A student on probation may receive funding for ONE payment period (academic year for CSULA). A student on probation may not receive Title IV funds for the subsequent payment period unless: 1. Student is meeting SAP; OR 2. Student satisfies the conditions specified by Financial Aid.
Students who fail to adhere to their academic plan at risk of loosing eligibility for subsequent year. It will be important for students to maintain academic progress and/or adhere to FA appeal conditions.
Students with files pending review were offered estimated awards to assist with registration. notification was sent to students. Students not meeting SAP unable to register unless he/she remits payment on their own. Students with approved SAP Appeals and who are placed on Financial Aid probation will be allowed to register. 14
Amount of Financial Aid Received is Based Upon Enrollment Status: Undergraduates only ▪ 12 units = 100% ▪ units = 75% ▪ units = 50% ▪ units = 25% ▪ If students drop classes after the 2 nd week of school, aid may be adjusted. ▪ Loans are not prorated – must be enrolled ½-time (6 units). 15
Eligibility Must have a completed Financial Aid file. Must not be “conditional admits” Must be meeting SAP Disbursements beginning of each quarter. Disbursement schedule available online. Refund checks mailed by Disbursement Office or issued via direct deposit. 16