Last month, there was a flood in India. We were on holidays because relaxing and forget work. One morning, we went to the beach to swim and sunbathe. Suddenly, it started raining and the people began to run to their houses, so did we. The next week the rain continued and it started flood the city all.
In the afternoon the rain damaged the city, the plants and the animals, there were a lot of injured people. We survive becouse we isolated ourselves in a room in the highest part of the hotel. We put under the door everything we found: cardboard and clothes in the hall. When we saw that the storm ended, we helped people who were injured.
Firefighters rescued people, plumbers fixed the sewers to carry away the water and all the hospitals in the area were full of injured people, also we rescued a child who was in the room in front. The city was given a plaque for have saved the child and have helped in the search for missing people. Were one of the worst days of our life!
THE END By: Sara Reyes & Vanessa Ayala. 3º ESO A