Mr. Redmond Thursday, December 3 rd Room: 207
The 10 Commandments, discovered by Moses. God gave commandments on two stone tablets Tablets were given at Mount Sinai
1. Only one God – no others 2. Do not worship idols, humans, or material items 3. Do not use the name of God in wrongful use 4. Remember the Sabbath, keep it holy 5. Honor thy father and mother
6. Thou shall not kill/murder 7. No intercourse outside of marriage 8. Thou shall not steal – no kidnapping 9. Do not lie, bear false witness, or fall in with evil 10. Do not desire another persons possessions or land.
Emerged in Palestine/Israel in 1 st Century CE Spread from Jerusalem to Syria to Mesopotamia to Egypt. 4 th Century: Adopted by Roman Empire and Armenia 2 Billion Christians today - About 32% of world’s population
Jesus of Nazareth, held to be son of God Messiah of the New Testament Jewish Teacher/Rabbi from Galilee Birth: between 7-2 BCE Death: Between CE Scholars agree: ministry and Teachings were around CE
Christian Bible (Holy Bible): 66 Books Divinely Inspired – sacred text written down according to what is reveled by God New Testament: 27 Books Includes Gospels, Acts of Apostles, and Revelations
The Beatitudes – 8 Blessings in a proverb-like proclamation. A set of Christian ideals that focus specifically on love and humility. -Jesus teaches mercy, spirituality, and Compassion through his sermon.
Cosmological/Transcendent place where heavenly beings exist – angels, saints, God. Earthly beings can ascend in the afterlife. Accessible through standards of faith, goodness, virtues, and right beliefs. Follow Commandments to enter – different rules for entry in Heaven based upon different sections of Christianity.