EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview1 SA1 Kickoff meeting EGI-InSPIRE Tiziana Ferrari, Operations Unit Tiziana.Ferrari at 1
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview2 Outline Attendance, agenda bashing, minutes PART I: Project overview PART II: SA1 Operations PART III: Meetings, boards, external liaisons
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview3 PART I Project verview
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview4 Objectives 48 month project, 53 partners Transition to a sustainable pan-European e-Infrastructure Integration of –high-performance and high-throughput computing (NA2) –new Distributed Computing Infrastructures (DCIs) – e.g. clouds, desktop grids (NA2) Collection of requirements and coordination of user-support for the current and new users (e.g. ESFRI) (NA3) Unified Middleware Distribution (UMD) –integration of middleware from external providers (SA2) –Definition and verification of middleware quality criteria (SA2) –staged rollout of UMD into the infrastructure (SA1) Maintainance and extension of operational tools (JRA1) –to support a national operational deployment model –to include new DCI technologies in the production infrastructure –to extend accounting to support new EGI business models
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview5 Activities (1/3) NA1 Activity Management NA2 - External Relations –Dissemination and events –Development of policies relating to operations, software quality, security, user communities and general governance Operations security groups: –Security Policy Group (SPG) (EGEE/WLCG JSPG) –Software Security Group (SSG) –Security Coordination Group (SCG) –International Grid Trust Federation (IGTF) and EUGridPMA User tools and services: User Services Advisory Group (USAG) Operational tools: Operational Tools Advisory Group (OTAG) Infrastructure Policy Group (IPG): has representation from major production e-Infrastructures from around the world – currently EGEE, OSG, DEISA, Naregi and TeraGrid European E-Infrastructure Forum (EEF)
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview6 Activities (2/3) NA3: User Community Coordination SA2: Provisioning the Software Infrastructure (EGI Middleware Unit) –Definition of the UMD quality criteria – Portugal and Spain –Verification of conformance criteria – Portugal and Spain –Provision of a software repository and support tools – Czech Rep. and Greece –Deployed Middleware Support Unit – Czech Rep., Denmark, Germany, Italy SA3: Services for the Heavy User Communities –Astronomy and Astrophysics, Earth Observation, HEP, Life Science
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview7 Activities (3/3) Maintenance and development of the deployed operational tools –operations portal –EGI helpdesk (GGUS) –Grid configuration repository (GOCDB) –APEL accounting repository –Accounting and metrics portal, and –Service Availability Monitoring framework Supporting National Deployment models Accounting for usage of different resource types Integrated Operations Portal
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview8 PART II SA1 Operations
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview9 SA1 Operations TSA1.2 Secure infrastructure –STFC, Mingchao Ma TSA1.3 Service Deployment - validation –LIP, Mario David TSA1.4 Infrastructure for Grid Management –TBC TSA1.5 Accounting –STFC, J.Gordon TSA1.6 Helpdesk –KIT, T.Antoni TSA1.7 Support Teams –NL, R.Trompert TSA1.8 Providing a reliable grid Infrastructure –GR, C. Kanellopoulos
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview10 SA1: Operations NGI tasks: operational activities run by individual tasks (O-N-*) EGI global tasks (O-E-*) –Distributed across many NGIs –Run under the technical responsibility of the selected NGIs –Coordinated by –EGI Operations Unit: O-E-* tasks and the respective partners
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview11 NGI and EGI tasks 1/4 TSA1.2 Secure infrastructure (Sven Gabriel and Mingchao Ma) O-E-16 Security response UK (0.7 FTE, NL 0.3 FTE) O-N-9a NGI operational security TSA1.3 Service Deployment - validation (Mario David) O-E-9 Middleware rollout (0.9 FTE Spain) O-E-11 Interoperability (0.5 FTE Sweeden) O-N-9b rollout O-N-9d interoperability in the region
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview12 NGI and EGI tasks 2/4 TSA1.4 Infrastructure for Grid Management (TBC) O-E-1 GOCDB 0.5 FTE, UK O-E-3 Monitoring infrastructure 0.25 CERN, 0.25 GRNET, O-E-4 Operations portal and dashboard 0.25 FTE FR O-E-12 Tools for network troubleshooting and monitoring 0.25 FTE IT O-N-1 Grid topology database O-N-3 Grid repositories (for operational tools) O-N-4 operations portal and dashboard TSA1.5 Accounting (STFC, J.Gordon) O-E-2 Central accounting repository and portal 0.25 UK, 0.25 Spain O-N-2 NGI accounting infrastructure
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview13 TSA1.6 Helpdesk (KIT, T.Antoni) O-E-6 Helpdesk 1.0 FTE DE O-E-8 User requirements (0.5 NA3, O-N-6 NGI helpdesk system TSA1.7 Support Teams (NL, R.Trompert) O-E-5 Grid operations oversight (COD) 0.5 NL, 0.5 PL FTE O-E-7 1st line support (TPM) 0.5 DE, 0.5 IT O-E-12 Coordination of network support 0.25 IT O-E-10 Resource allocation 0 FTE O-N-5 Oversight (NGI 1st line, ROD) O-N-7 NGI support team O-N-9c Resource allocation NGI and EGI tasks 3/4
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview14 NGI and EGI tasks 4/4 TSA1.8 Providing a reliable grid Infrastructure (GR, C. Kanellopoulos) O-E-14 Core grid services (1.0 GR) O-E-13 Best practices and procedures (0.5 FI) O-N-8 Grid core services This activity includes the revision of the existing Operational Service Agreements (OLAs) defined in EGEE-III
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview15 Milestones and deliverables (Y1) 1\2 TSA1.2 Secure infrastructure –MS405 (PM3) Operational Security Procedures (CNRS France) TSA1.3 Service deployment –MS402 (PM4) Deploying Software into the EGI production infrastructure (CSIC Spain) –MS406 (PM4) Deployment plan for the distribution of operational tools to the NGIs/EIROs (CSIC Spain) in collaboration with TSA1.4 –MS407 (PM4) Integrating Resources into the EGI Production Infrastructure (SNIC Sweden) TSA1.4 Infrastructure for Grid management –MS401 (PM1) Operational Tools regionalisation status (INFN) in collaboration with TSA1.5 –Contribution to MSA406 – deployment plan of tools (see TSA1.3) –Contribution to MSA404 – Operational Level Agreements (see TSA1.8)
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview16 Milestones and deliverables (Y1) 2\2 TSA1.5 Accounting –Contribution to MSA401 – regionalization status (see TSA1.4) TSA1.6 Helpdesk –MS403 (PM2) EGI Helpdesk and the NGI Support Units (KIT), requires collaboration with TSA1.7 and SA2 TSA1.7 Support teams –Contribution to MSA403 – helpdesk and support teams (see TSA1.6) TSA1.8 Providing a reliable grid infrastructure –MS404 (PM2) Operational Level Agreements (OLAs) within the EGI production infrastructure (GRNET) PM2 –MS408 (PM6) EGI Operational Procedures (NCF The Netherlands)
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview17 Part III Meetings and boards
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview18 Operations Management Board Mandate –approval of policies and technical documents –update on activities –Roadmaps –feedback from NGIs Membership: –NGI/EIRO Operations Managers – all NGIs ( noc-managers at mailman egi eu ) –International ROCs: Asia Pacific, South America, Canada etc. –SA1 task leaders ( mailing list under definition) – COO Monthly meeting (last Tuesday of the month, next meeting: 29th June Periodic face to face meetings co-located with major events
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview19 SA1 Task leaders board Mandate: –Monitoring of progress –discussion of issues that concern multiple taks –progress of milestones and deliverables Membership: –SA1 task leaders ( mailing list under definition) – COO Fortnightly meetings – normally on Tuesday (next meeting: all task leaders, 10th June) –(every task has an internal structure for meetings and groups as required)
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview20 Task forces and ad-hoc meetings Mandate: –Propose roadmaps, revised documents/procedures to tackle specific issues –Output of the task force approved by the OMB Membership: –Relevant SA1 task leaders –Subset of NGIs volunteering to contribute Meeting structure according to task force needs Ad-hoc face-to-face meetings (on demand): –Discussion of issues specific to an EGI region, or groups of NGIs –Membership: COO and relevant NGIs
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview21 Operations meeting was: Mon afternoong weekly meeting Mandate –Feedback to the EGI Middleware Unit and the other NGIs on deployed middleware –Updates from the Middleware Unit on release schedules –Definition of release priorities –(Availability/reliability review, suspension, ticket escalation, COD handover handled internally by COD with the relevant NGI ops managers) Membership –NGI ROD representative 1 representative per region where applicable) Membership from international Regions welcome! –1 representative of the Middleware Unit (TBD) –COO Meetings –Fortnightly meetings on Mon afternoon 4 pm
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview22 Operations Tool Advisory Group Mandate –Feedback to the developers on deployed operational tools –Collection of requirements and discussion of priorities –Input for InSPIRE JRA1 Membership –NGI representatives (one per region if NGIs wish to cluster, TBD), participation of international regions welcome –1 representative for ROD and COD –EGI Security Officer, other Montly phone meetings
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview23 Operations Automation Team (OAT) Objective –a project-independent board to harmonize development plans with the ultimate goal of preserving interoperation and ensure a consistent overall architectural model of tools Mandate –To update the community of tool architects about development plans, milestones, and the advancements in different projects, –To discuss development plans that may affect the functionality of tools developed in the framework of other projects –To strengthen synergies and avoid duplication Membership –EGI-InSPIRE JRA1 regionalization and maintenance of existing tools such as NCG, messaging, GOCDB, Operations Portal and Dashboard, Accounting Database and Portal, MyEGI portal SA3 (Shared services and tools): all development activities that might depend on operational tools such as Dashboards (TSA3.2.1), Applications (TSA3.2.2), TSA3.2.4 (Workflow and schedulers) –EMI JRA1.5 (Definition and Implementation of the Infrastructure Area Work Plan) –WLCG: Gstat and Gridview, Monitoring infrastructure (Nagios and related components) –OSG
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview24 Liaison with WLCG Mail contact with WCLG operations –J.Shiers, M.Girone (dep), J.Gordon for the GDB members of noc-managers at mailman egi eu Discussion of WLCG specific issues with participation to GDB meetings –COO –SA1 InSPIRE task leaders –Needed SA2 representative for the Middleware Unit (updates on releases) CERN Operations Managers: –M.Barroso, S.Traylen (dep), Juan M. Guijarro (dep )
EGI-InSPIRE Project Overview25 COO Deputy Proposal –Rotation of COO deputy funcition among the SA1 task leaders (SA1.2- SA1.8) every 4 months