INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA Rainer Simon Austrian Institute of Technology
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA This project is funded under the eContentplus programme, a multiannual Community programme to make digital content in Europe more accessible, usable and exploitable.
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA Introduction The YUMA Universal Media Annotation Framework Architecture Overview The YUMA Annotation Model Map Annotation Video Annotation
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA Annotation A note by way of explanation or comment added to a text or diagram – The New Oxford English Dictionary
To institutions a source of additional metadata which can improve search and retrieval help users to discover content they wouldn't have found To users a convenient way to organize and personalize the information they find, or to share it with others online Organize, share and communicate information through annotations Current limitation annotation data is locked in closed data silos annotation data is usable only within a single institution
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA What is YUMA? The YUMA Universal Media Annotator (a recursive acronym) Open source, prototype software developed as part of EuropeanaConnect Social Semantic Annotation for Images, Maps, Audio and Video in the browser Semantic Annotation? Annotate media with links to a controlled vocabulary or semantic resources on the Web
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA Browser-based annotation framework Support “post-it” style free-text annotations Semi-automatic Semantic Tagging approach Structured context information to enrich and complement traditional collection metadata To address the issue of annotation interoperability YUMA publishes annotations according to principles of LOD
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA Free-text annotation Semantic tagging Linked Data interface: annotations exposed as RDF resources Supports images, audio and video content Special support for high-resolution map images: Tile-based rendering for faster delivery Geo-referencing Semantic tag suggestions based on geographic location Place search functionality Overlay of present-day country borders, coast outlines, etc. Shape drawing tools for images, maps and video Runs in your browser
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA YUMA Server a common “backend” service component for all content types provides annotation storage, management and search as well as flexible publishing and export functionality YUMA Suite a set of browser-based end-user applications for annotating content of the different media types
JSON Annotation Format Properties in the model are mapped to a JSON structure using pre-defined keys RDF Annotation Format OAC, LEMO RDF vocabulary
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA map annotation prototype's free-text and semantic tagging features
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA Using Named Entity Recognition (NER) identify names of e.g. places, persons or other identifiable concepts in the annotation text suggest appropriate links To produce Tag suggestions DBpedia Spotlight Recognizes names of concepts or entities Matches names to unique identifiers Geonames
INHA UNIVERSITY, KOREA use of the video annotation prototype