Jeffrey Lively Chief Scientist Radiological Services & Engineering Amec Foster Wheeler
Fundamental Problems ► Radiologically contaminated sites typically have large volumes of soil which are heterogeneously contaminated by radioactivity from historic operations ► There is a severe shortage of disposal space for this type of material worldwide ► Available space is very expensive ► Radiologically-impacted land must be appropriately characterized and remediated to achieve “no-further- action” status
The Traditional Approach Typical soil remediation/decommissioning process: ► Is subject to large uncertainties ► Heterogeneity vs. sample data density ► Depth of contamination ► Is expensive to implement ► Scan/excavate, scan/excavate, scan/excavate… ► Can result in large waste volumes ► Significant project expense ► Consumption of available disposal space ► Dependent upon laboratory sample analysis ► Equates to extended project schedule
A New Approach Design all-in-one conveyor-based system capable of isotopic quantitative measurements and real-time segregation of contaminated material (soil & debris). ► Must have very low detection limits ► Must be able to speciate various isotopes ► Must be capable of handling a variety of materials ► Must overcome common material handling problems ► Must be capable of producing high quality data with acceptable survey throughput rates ► Must be rugged and reliable for field operating conditions ► Must be cost effective ► Must be acceptable to the regulators
The Solution AMEC Foster Wheeler’s Orion ScanSort SM system sets the standard ► Achieves very low detection limits ► Performs real-time isotope specific analyses ► Handles a wide variety of flowable materials (including crushed concrete and a variety of other materials) ► Confidently segregates radioactive from compliant materials ► Produces high-quality, reliable data with acceptably high material survey throughput rates ► Is rugged and reliable ► Operates in both ideal and adverse field environments ► Is cost effective ► Provides 100% assay of processed materials
How Does ScanSort SM Work? 7
How Does ScanSort SM Work? ORION ScanSort SM uses ► Large volume (4-liter), spectroscopy grade, NaI detectors ► Proprietary operating and control software that enables the system to operate as a scanning spectrometer ► Advanced, computer-controlled, electro-mechanical material handling and sorting system components Detects gamma-emitting radionuclides as the soil on the belt moves past the active area of the detector(s) Other specialized detectors can also be fitted to the system to detect isotopes that are not amenable to detection by NaI spectroscopy
How Does ScanSort SM Work?
Example Project-Specific Installation Adaptable & scalable to the specific needs and circumstances of the site
Established Technology & Performance Orion ScanSort SM technology has been proven and accepted by: ► U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) ► U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) ► U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ► U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) ► Various State Agencies Approved on-site waste acceptance ► Reduced transportation risk exposure and waste acceptance uncertainty to site owner
Process Rate Dependent upon isotopes, limits and applicable monitoring volumes Example 1 ► Cs-137, Bq/g (2 pCi/g), 900 kg monitoring volume ► Process Rate ~90,000 kg/hr Example 2 ► Cs-137, 0.2 Bq/g (5.2 pCi/g), 80 kg monitoring volume ► Process Rate ~140,000 kg/hr
System Deployed at U.S. NASA Site Contaminant of Concern Cs-137, 0.2 Bq/g (5.2 pCi/g) Monitoring Volume 80 kg Production Rate 140,000 kg/h Total Production 90 million kg of material
Collection of “below criteria” confirmatory samples Walk-over radiation surveys of “below criteria” discharge material Data Quality Measures
Data Quality Comparison
Orion ScanSort SM Key Advantages Minimizes waste volumes and cost of waste disposal ► Waste volume reduction, realized by the system’s ability to segregate contaminated soil from clean soil, is typically greater than 90% (10:1) ► Where the radioactive contaminant was extremely heterogeneous, a waste volume reduction of approximately 1,000:1 has been realized Superior detection limits and process rates
Large volume detectors provide ► Superior sensitivity ► Isotope specific measurements Real-time spectral stripping - dramatically improves accuracy and improves detection limits 100% assay of processed materials ► Outstanding data quality ► Engenders high confidence in end-state radiological condition Need not be limited to radiological assay Orion ScanSort SM Key Advantages
Conclusion ► ScanSort SM soil sorting system is designed with the most technologically-advanced scanning and sorting system features available. ► ScanSort SM provides the most Cost-Effective & Confident solution for remediation and radioactive waste management. ► ScanSort SM is a modern, proven technology, having assayed and sorted more than 500 million kilograms of material to date. ► Amec Foster Wheeler’s unique expertise and experience in soil screening & sorting technology enables us to provide clients with unparalleled flexibility and cost savings over a wide range of radiological decommissioning challenges.
Conclusion In decommissioning and environmental remediation, the most important product is a defensible document set that accurately describes the site’s end state ScanSort SM provides this in a way that no other technique or system can achieve!