Ways Technology Is Used ■Cell Phones ■Computers/Laptops ■Television ■Tablets ■Gaming Systems ■The average teen spends more than seven hours a day using technological devices, plus an additional hour just text-messaging friends (Bennett).
Cell Phones ■Phone calls ■Text Messaging ■Camera/Video Recording ■Internet ■ ■Calendar/Reminders ■Music ■Weather ■Navigation ■Downloadable Applications
Text Messaging ■The most effective way for teens to communicate is through text messaging ■Teens often text more than they have face-to-face conversations ■Teens don’t use ■Talking on the phone isn’t a popular thing to do
Computers/Tablets ■Most teens have access to computers at home or school ■Schools are implementing the use of computers and Tablets for a lot of students classwork ■This allows students more time to use technology and the internet
Television ■Teens spend more times watching television than anything else they do ■Teens usually multitask while they watch television, often using other technology ■Television is accessible on the internet, cell phone, our recording devices.
Gaming Systems ■Xbox One, Xbox 360 ■PS4, PS3 ■Wii ■Nintendo DS ■Playstation Portable ■Nvidia Shield ■WikiPad ■Cell Phones
Social Media ■Facebook ■Twitter ■Instagram ■Snapchat ■LinkedIn ■Pinterest ■Tumblr ■Vine ■Google Plus +
References ■Bennett, Jessica. (2011, January 11). One hundred tweets of solitude. Newsweek. ■Binns, A. (2014). Twitter City and Facebook Village: teenage girls' personas and experiences influenced by choice architecture in social networking sites. Journal Of Media Practice, 15(2), doi: / ■Caronia, L. (2009). Mobile Phones in Peer Culture: Teenagers' Messaging as a Metalinguistic Performance. Conference Papers -- International Communication Association, ■Hynan, A., Murray, J., & Goldbart, J. (2014). 'Happy and excited': Perceptions or using digital technology and social media by young people who use augmentative and alternative communication. Child Language Teaching & Therapy, 30(2), doi: /
References ■Richardson, J. M. (2014). Powerful devices: how teens' smartphones disrupt power in the theatre, classroom and beyond. Learning, Media & Technology, 39(3), doi: / ■Richtel, Matt. (2010, June 6). Hooked on gadgets, and paying a mental price. The New York Times. ■Shylaja, E. A., & Ravindran, K. (2014). Teaching and Learning Grammar for Teens Using Technological Tools. Language In India, 14(10),
Graphics References ■Ways Technology is Used htmlhttp:// html ■Cell Phones - teens-acquire-and-use-mobile-phones/ teens-acquire-and-use-mobile-phones/ ■Text Messaging - ■Computers/Tablets - ■Television - adolescents-of-today--adults-of-tomorrow.htmlhttp:// adolescents-of-today--adults-of-tomorrow.html ■Gaming Systems - games-and-young-peoplehttp:// games-and-young-people ■Social Media / 2015/