Interdisciplinary research management Prof. Antonino Rotolo Vice Rector for Research University of Bologna “SSH in H2020: Societal Challenge 6 and integration in other Challenges” Expert meeting – 5 July 2016
Addressing the challenges of interdisciplinarity in Horizon 2020 foster policy-relevant, problem-based research and innovation activities in the SSH community promote collaborative work and create synergies between different research fields (SSH/STEMM) engage in co-creation of knowledge with stakeholders Innovation Impact Integration
UNIBO: virtual infrastructures to foster interdisciplinarity CONNECT AREAS CONNECT PEOPLE
Promoting and managing interdisciplinarity Addressing main European challenges by creating internal synergies and interdisciplinary collaborations: Identification of challenges/horizontal drivers (Cultural heritage; Social Innovation; Lifestyle; Gender etc.) Researchers from different Departments: integrated vision + interdisciplinary and complementary approaches Internal knowledge exchange, research seminars, mapping of expertise etc. Networking initiatives and events to increase dialogue and collaborations at European and international level in all S&T fields..beyond the “silo” structure of the university
International workshop in Brussels (26 February 2015)
Interdisciplinary research groups the added value of a comprehensive university (major player in SSH) requires organizational innovation to create internal synergies coherent with national research policies to better address topic requirements (e.g. pilots) an easier way to integration of SSH? 2 models for building true interdisciplinarity Different disciplinary expertise from different research groups It requires effective brokerage mechanisms, especially for the integration of SSH groups in STEMM projects access to interdisciplinary projects with STEMM is easier for certain disciplines than for others Digital Enabling conditions for exchanging ideas, involving excellent - but not yet successful – SSH groups
UNIBO vision for the future: 2 recommendations strengthening Societal Challenge 6 need of the networking platforms among excellent SSH reseachers for creating synergies, sharing best practices and for bridging the gap between research and policy making a thorough integration of SSH in the Work Programme texts and project evaluation can trigger a positive attitude and a successful integration: phrasing of the topics instructions to evaluators more effective networking mechanisms for connecting different communities (SSH/STEMM; academic and non academic) e.g. privacy as enabling (not disabling) concept e.g. Culture/Cultural Heritage
Acknowledging the reflective and generative role of SSH Beyond their reflective role, SSH have a generative power (design, experiments, scenarios, interpretations, perceptions, etc.) that can help change paradigms, address challenges and re-orient them by envisioning long and short terms innovations. SSH are pivotal for an effective co-creation of knowledge (situated, human-centred and participatory research approaches) and its uptake by policy makers
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