General information Type of wading bird in the genus Phoenicopterus Four species in america Two species in old world Speed is 37 mph Congregate in mudflats or lagoons Wingspan Ft. Live years
Fun facts Visible “knee” is really ankle joint When want to rest stand on legs Babies don’t have curved bill Babies are born or light grey Color is consumed when fed Mother & Father keeps eggs warm until hatched Babies hatch in nest of mud Spends 15-30% of the day cleaning feathers When eating head is positioned upside down Suck water & filter food Hold their breath while feeding Color of feather result of diet: pigments in their food Eat shrimp, algae, crustaceans
Jame’s Flamingo Height- 3ft Mass- 4.4 lbs Found in southern Peru, northeastern Chile, western Bolivia & northwestern Argentina Near threatened Named for Henry Berkley James, person who studied it Neck is long & angular Feathers are yellow, pink, have a distinctive black line Beak is yellow Because of shape need a running start to fly Fly at speed of 30 mph Lifespan- 40 years
Greater Flamingo Heights: Ft. Mass: lbs Least concerned Most widespread flamingo Found in parts of Africa, southern Europe & southern/ southwestern Asia Beak is pink Call is goose like Lifespan- over 60 years
Lesser Flamingo Height: Ft. Mass: lbs Found in Africa (Great rift valley), northeast Asia Near threatened Chicks join creeches as soon as hatched Smallest flamingo Lifespan- 50 years
Andean Flamingos Height: ft. Mass: 8.8 lbs Rarest Vulnerable Pale pink body with brighter upperparts Only species with yellow legs & three-toed feet Beak is pale yellow and black Found in Andes mountains of South America Lifespan- 40 years
Caribbean Flamingo Height: ft Mass: lbs Least concern Found- Caribbean, Yucatan Peninsula, Galapagos Island Color- orange, pink, red Lifespan- 40 years