AGENDA Definitions Adlerian concepts and how we can use them with clients Q&A time
WHAT MOST OF US KNOW LGBTQIQA Difference between sexual orientation/identity and gender identity (Transgender is not related to sexual expression or attraction) Sex is biology (“below the belt”) while gender (“above the belt”) is socially constructed
DEFINITIONS – SEXUAL IDENTITY Generational changes and context; more sense of it as fluid vs static Sexuality and sexual identity as a continuum or spectrum (debate about what the ends of the spectrum are) Same-sex sexual and/or affectional orientation – emotional aspects of identity and not just sexual behavior Pansexuality – experiences sexual attraction for any sexual orientation and members of all gender identities/expressions Heteroflexible – situational same-sex behaviors but identity mainly as heterosexual
DEFINITIONS – SEXUAL EXPRESSION Heteronormativity – assumption that heterosexual identity as superior to other sexual identities Individual expression of sexual self and interpersonal interactions (emotional and/or physical)
DEFINITIONS – SEXUAL ATTRACTION the term graysexual helps to describe people who really don’t want sex very often, but who do sometimes experience sexual attraction or sexual desire—those who experience fluidity or don’t fit cleanly into the asexual or sexual camps. Asexuality or “ace” (portrayed by TV, media as a problem that’s fixable) – little to no desire for sexual activity, little to no sexual attraction to others Aromantic – experiences little or no desire for romantic relationships and feels little to no romantic attraction Panromantic – feels desire for romantic relationship with others and is not limited by others’ sexual identity or gender
DEFINITIONS – GENDER IDENTITY Agender – “someone without gender”; does NOT mean asexual Cisgender – gender identity matches biological identity Transgender – umbrella term for those who don’t completely identify as cis Non-binary – umbrella term for those who don’t solely identify as male or female Genderqueer – umbrella term for identity that is not strictly binary but as evolving (NOT necessarily confused); Adlerian-like because it begs the question “what does it (being genderqueer) mean to YOU?” What pronoun do you use?
DEFINITIONS – GENDER EXPRESSION External display of one’s gender identity (clothes, hairstyles, etc.) Bem Sex Role Inventory - Masculine and feminine Gender fluid – mix of masculine and feminine that is self-determined Gender non-conforming – not aligning with “typical” expression of masculine or feminine or male and female Genderqueer – similar to gender non-conforming (“don’t pigeon-hole me”) Gender normativity – assumption that binary as superior
ADLERIAN CONCEPTS FOR PRACTITIONERS Belonging Social interest Encouragement Life style – may adapt as sexual and gender identity are understood and can be assimilated into self (perception vs. possession)
WHAT TO DO/NOT DO You should be unsure about any and everyone’s pronouns. This is because you never can tell someone’s gender identity based on socialization. Bodies and gender expression do not determine gender identity. Use phrase “gender diverse” rather than trying to guess Be aware of privilege in all its forms (heteronormativity, gender normativity) Be aware that sexual orientation is invisible - never assume a person's sexual orientation, especially just basing it on who they have sex with or are attracted to DON’T force or “guide” client to choose category (come out) or impose one on client; meet the client where client is and let client come to her/his own conclusions about self
REFERENCES AND RESOURCES to_b_ html to_b_ html culture culture Trans Lifeline US: FREE; Canada: FREE). Trans Lifeline Trans Bodies, Trans Selves: A resource for the transgender community cisgender cisgender