Pottsgrove High School DECEMBER 6 th and 7 th
Day 1 ◦ Ground rules ◦ Understanding conflict ◦ Finding solutions ◦ Active listening ◦ Paraphrasing ◦ Points of view ◦ Introduction stage ◦ Managing anger ◦ Storytelling stage ◦ Brainstorming ◦ Problem solving ◦ Agreement writing
Day 2 ◦ Confidentiality ◦ Full mediation role-play
Talk to a partner and explain why being a mediator appeals to you and what qualities you possess that would make you a good mediator? Introduce your partner to the rest of the class. INTRUDUCTIONS
Everyone should participate Respect the feelings and ideas of others Be supportive of others Respect confidentiality Have fun
In groups, create a Grafitti poster of what Conflict looks like. Share with the rest of the class.
1. 2. 3. Does the problem get solved? What happens to the relationship?
Lose/lose Win/lose Win/win
Mediation : ◦ Is based on respect ◦ Is voluntary ◦ Stresses cooperation ◦ Allows exploring options ◦ Encourages expression of emotions ◦ Examines the other’s point of view ◦ Results in a win/win outcome
“I feel like” … expresses a thought. “I feel …” expresses a feeling.
“I feel like punching him.” “I feel frustrated.” “I feel hurt.” “I feel like no one cares.” “I feel like he should apologize.”
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What kind of listener are you?
Paraphrasing is summarizing a story for facts and feelings “so what you are saying is…” “And you are feeling…” “is that correct?”
1. Introduction 2. Storytelling 3. Problem solving 4. Agreement
Be confident 1. Make introductions 2. Review the ground rules 1.Do you agree to no interruptions? 2.Do you agree to no name calling? 3.Do you agree to tell the truth? 4.Do you agree to work hard to solve the problem?
I messages are nonthreatening ways to express anger without others on the defensive. “I feel... When you... Because...”
First, mediators say: 1.“Tell us what happened.” “How did you feel?” Mediators paraphrase for Facts and feelings. Next, the mediators say: 2.“Tell us what you heard ____________ say” “how is he or she feeling?” “Is that correct?” Have the disputants paraphrase for facts and feelings.
1. Decide what you want to serve at your party. 2. You and and your partner make a list of items 3. Cross out what you don’t agree on. 4. What remains is your party list 5. Are you happy with your choices?
1. What can you do to solve this problem? ◦ Mediators list the disputants’ options on the agreement form. 2. Can you agree to do this? ◦ Mediators go over the list of options crossing out those that the disputants don’t agree on. 3. When can you do this? ◦ Mediators ask when disputants will do what they have agree on.
1. Mediators restate those solutions agreed to by both disputants. 2. Mediators ask, ◦ Is the problem solved for both of you? 3. Mediators ask. 1.What can keep this from happening again? 4. Everyone signs the agreement. 1.“Congratulations! You solved your problem.” Congratulate yourselves!!! You did it!!!