CONCEPTUAL MODEL RESULTS AND ANALYSES RESULTS AND ANALYSES Multiscale Thermohydrologic Model Supporting the Total System Performance Assessment for the Proposed Repository at Yucca Mountain T.A. Buscheck1, Y. Sun1, Y. Hao1, Y. Duan, S. Ezzedine2, and S.C. James3 1Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 2 Weiss Associates 3 Sandia National Laboratories CONCEPTUAL MODEL RESULTS AND ANALYSES RESULTS AND ANALYSES MSTHM INPUTS INTRODUCTION Table 1. Percolation-flux cases addressed in parameter uncertainty study, consistent with the UZ flow model [5] Low-Probability Seismic Case w/ Collapsed Drifts The MSTHM [2,3] utilizes Hydrostratigraphy, hydrologic properties, and percolation-flux distribution from the UZ flow model [4] with 560 unique hydrostratigraphic columns [4] across the heated repository footprint 560 unique percolation-flux histories [5] for 4 climate states (Table 1) for 4 infiltration-flux cases [6] Unique waste-package heat-generation histories for PWR CSNF WPs, BWR CSNF WPs, and DHLW WPs [7] Thermal properties for the repository host-rock units [8] Percolation Flux Case Repository-Wide-Averaged Percolation Flux (mm/yr) Present-Day Monsoonal Glacial-Transition Post-10,000-Year P10 4.1 7.8 12.2 15.9 P30 10.2 16.1 26.3 23.6 P50 14.6 19.5 36.2 35.2 P90 34.1 92.4 69.7 52.4 Mountain Scale Figure 3. Heated repository footprint with distribution of host-rock units: Tptpul, Tptpmn, Tptpll, and Tptpln Thermal-hydrologic (TH) conditions are predicted in the emplacement drifts and adjoining host rock for 3264 20-m-long intervals along 108 emplacement drifts 8 different waste packages, each with unique heat-generation histories A single repository-wide MSTHM realization consists of 3264 x 8 = 26,112 TH histories For 7 parameter uncertainty cases (Table 2) 182,784 TH histories are generated and provided to TSPA A parameter uncertainty study addressed key natural system parameters Percolation flux [5], based on 10th, 30th, 50th, and 90th percentile infiltration maps [6] Host-rock thermal conductivity for the 10th, 50th, and 90th percentile wet and dry values from reference [8] Weighting factors are applied to percolation-flux cases, based on other analyses [5,6] Weighting factors for host-rock thermal conductivity obtained from reference [2], based on data from reference [8] Analyses [2] found that 7 of the 12 cases (see Table) can be used as surrogates for the remaining 5 cases; weighting factors are revised accordingly (Table 2) MSTHM OUTPUT Table 2. Percolation-flux cases in parameter uncertainty study with “surrogate” cases shown in red. Engineered Barrier System Percolation Flux Uncertainty Host-Rock Thermal Conductivity Uncertainty P10 0.6191 P30 0.1568 P50 0.1645 P90 0.0596 High (H) 0.34 P10H 0.2105a 0.2105b 0.0533a 0.0000b 0.0559a P90H 0.0203a 0.0203b Mean (M) 0.37 0.2291a 0.2768b 0.0580a 0.0753b 0.0609a 0.0609b 0.0220a 0.1312b Low (L) 0.29 P10L 0.1795a 0.2250b P30L 0.0455a P50L 0.0477a P90L 0.0173a NOTES: P10, P30, P50, and P90 stand for 10th, 30th, 50th, and 90th percentile percolation flux. L, M, and M stand for 10th, 50th, and 90th percentile host-rock thermal conductivity. The respective “M” cases are simply called P10, P30, P50, and P90. aDenotes weight of that case, which is the product of the percolation-flux weight and the host-rock thermal conductivity weight. bSum of that case’s own weight, plus the weights of the cases for which that case is a surrogate. Figure 11. Cross-sectional view of drift, showing original “intact” drift diameter and the rubble zone, which has an 11-m diameter (This figure is excerpted from “Yucca Mountain Science and Engineering Report”) Figure 1. Schematic of the Yucca Mountain repository Drift/Waste-Package Scale Figure 12. Waste-package temperature for DHLW-Long (a) and PWR CSNF (b) waste package for low and high rubble Kth cases and for the nominal (intact) case Figure 13. Waste-package relative humidity for DHLW-Long (a) and PWR CSNF (b) waste packages for low and high rubble Kth cases and for the nominal (intact) case Modeling thermal-hydrologic (TH) behavior at Yucca Mountain involves Multiple scales Mountain scale: heated repository area, structure of mountain, including unsaturated and saturated zones Drift/waste-package scale: tens of centimeters around waste packages, drip shields, and granular invert Coupled TH processes: multi-phase flow in porous and open systems, including evaporation, vapor transport, condensation, condensate drainage, thermal conduction, forced and natural convection, and thermal radiation Waste inventory with a wide range of heat-generation histories Heterogeneous distributions of natural system properties and percolation flux The Multiscale Thermohydrologic Model (MSTHM) was developed to support the Total System Performance Assessment (TSPA), in particular to assess Degradation of in-drift components (e.g., waste packages) of the Engineered Barrier System Radionuclide dissolution and release from the waste form (in waste packages) and transport in the invert TH variables are predicted in the drifts and adjoining host rock in the repository, including Temperature Relative humidity Liquid-phase saturation Liquid-phase flux Lateral extent of boiling zone Low-probability seismic case with drift collapse is represented with a 11-m-diameter rubble zone To address uncertainty in rubble thermal conductivity, low and high rubble thermal-conductivity Kth cases are included The low Kth of the rubble (compared to Kth of the host rock) causes an increase in drip-shield and WP temperatures (Figures 12a and 13a), and greater WP-to-WP variability (Figure 14), compared to the nominal case The temperature increase causes a reduction in WP relative humidity (Figures 12b and 13b) and in invert liquid-phase saturation Results of the low and high rubble Kth cases are compared with corresponding nominal results to develop “delta” tables of WP temperature and relative humidity and invert liquid-phase saturation The “deltas” are applied to TH results for the 7 nominal cases to generate TH results for the corresponding drift-collapse cases Nominal Case with Intact Drifts Figure 14. Complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) for the low and high rubble Kth cases for the 7 parameter uncertainty cases NOTE: CCDFs for the corresponding nominal cases are plotted in Figure 6. CONCLUSIONS: Two key natural-system parametric uncertainties (host-rock thermal conductivity and percolation flux) are propagated through the MSTHM results supporting TSPA The influence of the edge-cooling effect and WP-to-WP heat-generation variability are addressed in the MSTHM results The combined influences of host-rock thermal-conductivity and percolation-flux uncertainty/variability, edge-cooling effect, and WP-to-WP heat-generation variability result in Peak WP temperatures ranging from 100 to 220oC Duration of boiling conditions at the drift wall ranging from 0 to 1300 yr Low-probability seismic drift collapse results in a zone of low thermal-conductivity rubbelized host rock that increases In-drift temperatures and the duration of boiling The magnitude of the duration of in-drift relative-humidity reduction Figure 4. Heated repository footprint represented by the MSTHM, including “contingency” area shown in purple. Figure 5. Drift-wall temperature (a) and liquid-phase saturation (b) for three approaches to lumping thermal and hydrologic properties and for a full representation of the thermal-hydrologic property distributions NUMERICAL MODEL NOTE: A study of alternative approaches to lumping thermal and hydrological properties concluded that discrete representation of thermal properties in the four repository host-rock units and generalizing hydrological properties to 2 host-rock units: lithophysal and nonlithophysal, yielded similar TH predictions as a full representation of thermal and hydrologic property distributions (Fig. 5). It was also found that the 10th and 30th percentile hydrologic properties yielded similar TH predictions (Fig. 12). REFERENCES Figure 6. Complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of peak drift-wall (a) and waste-package (b) temperature Nitao, J.J., User's manual for the USNT module of the NUFT code, version 2 (NP-phase, NC-component, thermal), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, UCRL-MA-130653, 1998. Buscheck, T.A., N.D. Rosenberg, J. Gansemer, and Y. Sun. Thermohydrologic behavior at an underground nuclear waste repository, Water Resour. Res., 38(3), 1431−1447, 2002. SNL (Sandia National Laboratories). Multiscale Thermohydrologic Model. ANL-EBS-MDL-000049 REV03 AD01. Las Vegas, Nevada: Sandia National Laboratories. 2007. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Corporation). Development of Numerical Grids for UZ Flow and Transport Modeling. ANL-NBS-HS-000015 REV 02. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. 2004. SNL (Sandia National Laboratories). UZ Flow Models and Submodels. ANL-NBS-HS-000006 REV 03. Las Vegas, Sandia National Laboratories. 2007. SNL (Sandia National Laboratories). Simulation of Net Infiltration for Present-Day and Potential Future Climates. MDL-NBS-HS-000023 REV01. Las Vegas, Nevada: Sandia National Laboratories. 2007. SNL (Sandia National Laboratories). Postclosure Analysis of the Range of Design Thermal Loadings. ANL-NBS-HS-000023 REV01. Las Vegas, Nevada: Sandia National Laboratories. 2007. BSC (Bechtel SAIC Company). Thermal Conductivity of the Potential Repository Horizon. MDL-NBS-GS-000005 REV01. Las Vegas, Nevada: Bechtel SAIC Company. 2004. Figure 7. Range of drift-wall (a) and waste-package (b) temperature for the 7 cases Figure 8. Complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of the maximum horizontal extent of the boiling zone NOTE: The “ensemble” is the weighted average of the 7 cases, with the weights listed in Table 2. Figure 2. MSTHM calculation steps (a) and plan view of SMT submodel (b) The NUFT code [1] is used to generate submodel results for 4 families of submodel; the MSTHM [2,3] integrates the results from those four families of submodels 3-D Smeared-heat-source Mountain-scale Thermal (SMT) submodel Represents mountain topography and stratigraphy, and the drift and panel layout in the repository Extends 1 km below water table and a minimum of 1 km laterally from repository edges 1-D Smeared-heat-source Drift-scale Thermal (SDT) submodel Ties together the SMT and LDTH submodels by using the same heat-flow representation as the SMT submodel 2-D Line-averaged-heat-source Drift-scale Thermal-Hydrologic (LDTH) submodel Simulates TH processes in the drifts and host rock 3-D Discrete-heat-source Drift-scale Thermal (DDT) submodel Represents geometric details of the drifts Simulates thermal radiation in the drifts Accounts for waste-package (WP) heat-generation variability and uncertainty, using an 8-WP unit cell, with 2 full PWR CSNF WPs, 2 half-PWR CSNF WPs, 2 full BWR CSNF WPs, and 2 full DHLW WPs ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS CONTACT INFORMATION This work was performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by the University of California, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract No. DE-AC52-07NA27344. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy's National Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory Thomas A. Buscheck Thermal Hydrologist Hydrologic Science Group Atmospheric, Earth and Energy Division P.O. Box 808, L-631 7000 East Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 925-423-9390 Fax: 925-423-2309 Email: Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC Operated for the US Department of Energy Figure 11. Complementary cumulative distribution function (CCDF) of time when boiling ceases on drift wall (a) and waste package (b) Figure 12. Drift-wall temperature (a) and liquid-phase saturation (b) for the 10th and 30th percentile hydrologic property sets Figure 9. Range of drift-wall (a) and invert (b) liquid-phase saturation for the 7 cases Figure 10. Range of drift-wall (a) and waste-package (b) relative humidity for the 7 cases H51F-0850