August 15, 2014 Erin Fair Cassandra Alvarez Sierra Manzanares Nate McGrath
Born: May 5, 1818 in Trier, Germany Oldest, surviving boy of nine children Parents were both Jewish Came from a long line of rabbis Father (lawyer)- converted to Lutheranism in 1816 because of laws barring Jews from higher society Karl baptized in same church that his father attended Later became an atheist Early Life
As a child, he received a classical education 1835 Enrolled in Bonn University (Germany) Studied law Imprisoned for drunkenness Dueled with another student Became more interested in philosophy and literature. 1836 Enrolled at the University of Berlin (by his parents) Studied law and philosophy Became familiar with the works of the late professor G. W. F. Hegel Joined a group called the Young Hegelians Brilliant and extreme thinkers challenged social institutions and ideas Religion, philosophy, ethics, and politics 1841 Graduated with a Ph. D. Education
Was interested in social conflict throughout history and how it spurred change. Noted that not every conflict was quite the same, despite having a similar “formula” of two clashing social classes How the infrastructure affects how the structure of a society ends up, when the infrastructure changes, structure also changes to reflect the new system offered theories that could often be tested with the scientific method Research
Invented new sociological movement believed that society is not balanced when a select few own the means of production while the majority create the goods and services Backbone to communist beliefs believed that problems and tensions in society were rooted throughout history in class struggle class struggle was all about people trying to meet their material needs Created Marxism all society progresses through the dialectic of class struggle Contributions to Sociology
Functionalist Perspective views society as a set of interrelated parts that work together to produce a stable social system Interactionist Perspective focuses on how individuals interact with one another Conflict Perspective considers the struggle encountered by social classes as unavoidable and even necessary Three Main Theories
His study of politics and economics typically made him struggle with himself. His arguments were open ended, most of the time, He left a political mark by half the world calling themselves Marxist at one point He led many failed rebellion attempts (Paris, 1848) This allowed us to study new fields of sociology we never would have bothered with Why In the Hall of Fame?
He was featured on the Beatles album cover “Sgt. Pepper lonely heart club band” His last words to servant, as throwing slipper “Go on, get out! Last words are for fools who haven’t said enough!” He has monument in Chemnitz, Germany, that is the biggest bust in the world He is regarded as one of the most hated men in history because of his economic theory Involved the rich people not being rich anymore Trivia!!!
Staff, "Karl Marx." A&E Television Networks, Web. 14 Aug "KARL MARX." Karl Marx Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Aug "Karl Heinrich Marx - Biography." Karl Marx. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Aug Works Cited