Ultra Light Backpacking Gear ACT 2 Training – BSA October 18, 2008 Presented by Bill Watson “The man with too much gear” says his wife. Q: How many tents should a guy own? Answer: one more Q: How many packs should a guy own? Answer: one more Q: How many sleeping bags should a guy own? Answer: one more
Learning Objective Tired of carry that heavy pack on weekend and week long backpacking trips. This presentation will present some lightweight alternatives to using more typical heavy back packing equipment.
Ultra Light Backpacking Gear is Not for the Beginning Backpacker More fragile than heavier gear Not for Winter outings Sometimes more expensive than normal gear
Which pack would you rather carry on a 50 miler? Troop 474 Macho Leader lb Troop 474 Eagle Scout 30 lbs
Equipment Weight Most weights given in this presentation are weighed on a scale to the nearest.1 oz. Manufacturer’s weights are quite often incorrect. A few of the weights are manufacturer's weights and so noted.
Sierra Designs Stretch Dome 4- Season Tent 9 lb 5.0 oz
Sierra Designs Clip Flashlight CD 3 season Tent 5lb 6.2 oz
Tarptent Sqall 2- 3 season tent 2 lb 3.0 oz
Tarptent Squall 2 from back
Tarptent Rainbow Free standing 2 lb 0 oz (per manufacturer) $215
Golite Cave 2 Shelter 1 lb 3.0 oz with stakes Not Shown: Golite Nest 2 Bug Tent (Mosquito netting and floor to hang under Cave 2 shlelter 1lb 3.1 oz
9 lb 5.0 oz Stretch Dome 5 lb 6.2 oz Clip Flashlight CD 2 lb 3.0 oz Tarptent Squall
Golite Cave 2 Shelter 1 lb 3.0oz with stakes Golite Nest 2 Bug Tent 1 lb 3.1 oz
Nylon Tarp with Ropes 3 lb 3.3 oz
Lightweight Campmor Backpacking Tarp with ropes 1 lb 9.4 oz
3 lb 3.3 oz 1 lb 9.4 oz
Conventional External Frame and Internal Frame Backpacks
Heavy packs on a 50 miler
Left (on bench): ULA-P2 Pack 3 lb 8 oz 35 lb load for week (40 max) Right: Gossamer G4 Pack 16 oz 25 lb load for week (30 lb max)
Kelty Super Tioga Frame Pack 6 lb 9.7 oz
Arcteryx Bora 95 Internal Frame 8 lb 13.0 oz
Lowe Alpine Contour Classic Internal frame 5 lb 15.3 oz
ULA –P2 Lightweight 3 lb 8.0 oz
Go lite Jam Pack 3100 cubic inches 22 oz (per manufacturer)
Gossamer G4 Pack 16.3 oz 30 lb load max Uses Z rest sleeping pad to stiffen pack and for padding
Gossamer G4 Pack 16.3 oz
Merrell Liberty Ridge 5 lb 3.8 oz Zamberlan GT Ciretta II 4 lb 0.2 oz Merrell Low Top 2 lb 15.5 oz
Thermarest Full Length 3” thick 3 lb 14.5 oz Thermarest Short 1” thick 1 lb 7.6 oz Thermarest ProLite 3 Short ¾” thick 11.4 oz Not Shown: Thermarest Z rest ensolite minus two sections 7 oz
Thermorest Z Rest ensolite pad Pad has 2 sections cut off and acts as G4 pack padding 8.3 oz
Marmot Hoydogen Down 30 deg 1 lb 10.1oz Marmot Helium Down 15 deg 2 lb 8.7 oz X2O (GI Joe’s) Hollow fill 40 deg 4 lb 8.2 oz
1 lb 10.1 oz $ deg 2 lb 8.7 oz $ deg 4 lb 8.2 oz $35 40 deg
Moonstone Gortex Coat And Full zip bibs 3 lb 7.8 oz Marmot Pull Over And Full zip pants 1 lb 6.0 oz
Colman Peak One No Fuel 1 lb 9.0 oz MSR XG No Fuel 1 lb 4.9 oz Pop Can Alcohol No Fuel 1 oz
MSR XG No Fuel 1 lb 7.2 oz
Colman Peak One No Fuel 1 lb 9.0 oz
MSR Dragonfly 1 lb 7.3 oz No Fuel
Pop Can Alcohol No Fuel 1 oz Can buy similar from Gossamer Web – see Fire Fly stove $30
White box alcohol stove 2.2 oz with wind screen and heat shield
Sigg two pots, one lid/fry pan Aluminum 15.1 oz Evernew Titanium 0.9 quart with lid 4.9 oz
Pop Can Alcohol Stove and Evernew Titanium 0.9 quart with lid in use
Take two or three disposable lighters 0.7 oz each
1 blade Gerber oz Swiss Army Knife 3.0 oz Leatherman + Case 9.1 oz
Polar Pure Iodine Crystals in Water 4.2 oz First Need Water Filter 1 lb 2.9 oz
Lexan 1 qt Water bottle 6.2 oz Platypus 1qt Water bag 3.4 oz Plastic 1 qt Water Bottle 3.9 oz
Petzl 2 AA cell Headlamp 5.3 oz Petzl 2 AAA cell LED Headlamp 2.5 oz Petzl 3 C cell Halogen Headlamp 1 lb 0.1 oz
35 mm Camera With Case 2 lb 3.5 oz Large Digital Camera With Case, extra battery and chip 1lb 12.8 oz
Large Digital with case, extra battery and chip 1lb 12.8 oz
Small Digital with case, extra battery and chip 13.3 oz
Light weight Gear Web Sites Ultralight Pack Use sleeping pad as padding Fire fly alcohol stove, white box stove How to make your own stove Shangri-LA 2 Shelter and Nest 2 bug net and Lightweight Packs Shelter, Rainbow Tent Lightweight Pack