Presentation 40th Conference in Slovakia Juraj Kožuch Director General, Agricultural Paying Agency (SK) 40th Conference of Directors of Paying Agencies
€ € € € Slovakia central Europe in a pocket Bratislava - the only capital in the world bordering two countries amazing story of the history of the 20th century 2000 - 2010 the fastest growing economy in EU young progressive country € € Všetky riadky najprv budú zošediť a postupne budú vystupovať do popredia Central Europe in a pocket – obrázok Európy s vyznačením Slovenska, ZOOM dorobený Bratislava – the only capital.... Skús priblížiť Slovensko a nejak vyznačiť Bratislavu na tej mapke a štáty s kt. hraničí Amazing story of the history – tu sa bude hovoriť o tých 6 režimoch 2000 – 2010 ... – či ostanú tieto roky alebo sa zmenia údaje, chcel si tam piktogramy zväčšujúceho sa Eura, okrem toho sa tu bude hovoriť asi o autách (skúsili by sme nájsť súvis s počtom obyvateľov a počtom vyrobených áut) Young progressive country – skúsime tam zakomponovať to bondove auto (spoj obrázky a text v 7. slide do 1 obrázku) a skCUBE 40th Conference of Directors of Paying Agencies, Bratislava, 12. – 14. October 2016
Reality - Slovakia Nitra 2013 Flying car – Bond movie 1974 Reality - Slovakia Nitra 2013 40th Conference of Directors of Paying Agencies, Bratislava, 12 – 14 October 2016
Interesting facts about Slovakia wolrd´s highest number of castles and chateaux per capita Čičmany - first folk architecture reservation in the world the highest wooden altar in the world the only solar horologe in the world that shows the true solar time Kremnica Mint 40th Conference of Directors of Paying Agencies, Bratislava, 12. – 14. October 2016
Interesting facts about Slovakia agricultural land (48%) forest (40%) Tatras – the smallest alpine mountains of the world 9 national parks and 14 protected landscape areas 7000 caves – unique Ochtinská Aragonite Cave more than 1600 mineral springs Pri lesoch sa budú spomínať bukové pralesy (UNESCO) 40th Conference of Directors of Paying Agencies, Bratislava, 12. – 14. October 2016
Tento slide sa zmení celý na obrázok, kt Tento slide sa zmení celý na obrázok, kt. vystúpi pred tým ako sa spustí slide s Logom SK PRES
Logo combination of accented characters colours derived from national flag emoticon - information and emotional holder folk motive 8 alternatives 40th Conference of Directors of Paying Agencies, Bratislava, 12. – 14. October 2016
Welcome to Slovakia 12. – 14. October 2016, Bratislava Sem príde ešte video buď Slovakia Good Idea alebo niečo o Slovensku (možno zo Slovakia travel) 12. – 14. October 2016, Bratislava 40th Conference of Directors of Paying Agencies, Bratislava, 12. – 14. October 2016