Splunk Enterprise Instructor: Summer Partain 3 Day Course
Create and Save a Pivot 1.Select Pivot from the Searh & Reporting app navigation bar 2.Click Buttercup Games 3.Select Purchase Requests
Create and Save a Pivot
1.Select the Single Value Display element from the Visualization Bar 2. Under Label Purchase Requests
Save the Pivot as a Report 1.Click Save As 2.Select Report 3.Title Total Purchase Requests 4.Description Total count of purchases 5.Select Yes 6.Click Save 7.Click View
Save the Pivot as a Report
View Saved Reports 1.Click Reports in the navigation bar 2.Click on the arrow in the I column next to Total Purchase Requests 3.Click the Report name to view the report
Create a Pivot Table Go back to Pivot from the navigation bar
Create a Pivot Table 1.Choose Buttercup Games 2.Select Successful Purchases
Create a Pivot Table Notice the + icons and the pencil icons
Create a Pivot Table 1. Click the pencil next to All Time To open the time range picker 2. Under the relative presets click on Last 7 days
Create a Pivot Table 1.Click the + icon under Split Rows 2.Select productName 3.Rename the field Product Name 4.Click Add to Table
Create a Pivot Table
1.Click the + icon next to Column Values 2.Select Price 3.Label Total Revenue 4.Value Sum 5.Click Add to Table
Create a Pivot Table
Save the Pivot Table 1.Click Save As 2.Select Report 3.Title Purchases by Product 4.Description Table of Product Purchases 5.Yes for Time Range Picker 6.Click Save
Save the Pivot Table Click View to View your report
Create a Pivot Chart Select Pivot from navigation bar Select Buttercup Games and Successful Purchases
Create a Pivot Chart
1.Add a Split Row for categoryId field 2.Label Category 3.Click Add to Table
Create a Pivot Chart
Click the Column Chart icon
Create a Pivot Chart
Click the Pie Chart icon
Create a Pivot Chart
Creating a Dashboard You can add a pivot you have just created to a new or existing dashboard You can use the dashboard editor to create dashboards and populate them with dashboard panels You can specify access to a dashboard from the Dashboard Editor You can use the Visualization Editor to change the visualization type displayed in the panel and to determine how that visualization displays and behaves You can also edit a dashboards panels by editing the XML configuration for the dashboard
Add Pivots to a Dashboard 1.Click Save As 2.Select Dashboard Panel 3.Dashboard New 4.Title Buttercup Games 5.ID will update on its own 6.Description Reports on Buttercup Games online shop data 7.Panel Title Successful Purchases by Category 8.Panel Powered BY Inline Search 9.Click Save
Add Pivots to a Dashboard
View and Edit Dashboard Panels Click on Dashboards in the navigation bar Click the arrow in the I column next to Buttercup Games
View and Edit Dashboard Panels 1.Click on the Buttercup Games Dashboard 2.Click Edit 3.Select Edit Panels
View and Edit Dashboard Panels Click Add Input and select Time
View and Edit Dashboard Panels 1.Click the Edit Input icon 2.Select Time 3.Token Buttercup_Games_Time_Range 4.Click Apply
View and Edit Dashboard Panels 1.Click the Inline Pivot icon 2.Select Edit Search String 3.Time Range Scope Shared Time Picker (Buttercup_Games_Time_Range) 4.Click Save
View and Edit Dashboard Panels
1.Click Edit 2.Edit Panels 3.Click Add Panel
View and Edit Dashboard Panels Click New from Report
View and Edit Dashboard Panels Click Total Purchase Requests Click Add to Dashboard
View and Edit Dashboard Panels Click Purchases by Product Click Add to Dashboard
View and Edit Dashboard Panels