LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Darryl Orris 21 January 2015 Final Design Review: Instrumentation.


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Presentation transcript:

LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Darryl Orris 21 January 2015 Final Design Review: Instrumentation

2 Outline LCLS-II Cryomodule Engineering Status, 12 January 2015 Introduction Instrumentation Summary Functionality of Instrumentation Instrumentation Selection Low Cost Magnetic Field Sensors Instrumentation Assemblies List of Instrumentation Assembly & Installation Procedures List of Instrumentation Assembly & Installation Drawings List of Instrumentation Assembly & Installation QA Checkouts Lessons Learned Conclusions

3 Introduction LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January 2015 The cryomodule instrumentation has been defined in the LCLS-II Cryomodule Interfaces – Ref# ED – to meet the functional requirements of the LCLS-II prototype and is largely based on the ILC 1.3 GHz cryomodules – CM-1 & CM-2 – that were instrumented and tested at Fermilab. These requirements are necessary to meet the performance design specifications of the prototype cryomodules. In addition to the ILC cryomodule fabrication and test experience, the instrumentation implementation techniques and hardware choices are also based on years of development and support for many other superconducting accelerator devices that have been routinely tested or placed into service at Fermilab and other laboratories.

4 Instrumentation Summary LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January 2015 Table of devices installed on the LCLS-II prototype cryomodule that are instrumented with field probes, cables, wires, temperature sensors, heaters, quench voltage taps, magnetic field sensors, liquid level probes, & pressure transducers.

5 Functionality of Instrumentation LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January 2015 Table of functionality of instrumentation required for the LCLS-II prototype cryomodule

6 Instrumentation Selection LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January 2015 Temperature Sensors – Cernox RTDs will be used for most low temperature measurements on the prototype cryomodules due to the higher accuracy required for the preproduction CM tests -Cernox RTDs will be replaced by Silicon Diode sensors for the production Cryomodules Silicon Diodes will be used for the Split Quad package Platinum RTDs will be used for temperature interlocks Example Cernox sensor prepared for installation on HOM Couplers of CM-2

7 Instrumentation Selection LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January 2015 Liquid Level Sensors – American Magnetics 2K level probes Currently in service on many cryogenic systems and test stands at Fermilab One 12” liquid level probe will be installed at each end of the cryomodule to measure the liquid in the 2-phase pipe; therefore, they are redundant Magnetic Field Sensors – Two Bartington Mag-F, Single-Axis cryogenic Fluxgate Sensors will be installed in two cavities (1 and 8) Currently using these sensors for SRF cavity magnetic field measurement studies in the Fermilab Vertical Test Facility These are relatively expensive devices so an alternate less expensive technology would be very attractive Cables, wires, and connectors for everything from HOM field probes to piezo fast tuners in the cryomodules have been specified A detailed Technical Specification document for instrumentation is 50% complete

8 Low Cost Magnetic Field Sensors LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January 2015 Low Cost Alternative to Fluxgate Magnetic Sensors – Honeywell manufactures a low cost solid state Anisotropic Magneto-Resistive (AMR) Sensor. Honeywell HMC1021 Configured as a 4-element Wheatstone bridge, these magneto-resistive sensors convert magnetic fields to a differential output voltage, capable of sensing magnetic fields as low as 30 μGauss and up to +/-6 Gauss. Unit price is: $7.22 ea. for 1, $4.02 ea. for 500 or more We have developed and successfully tested an AMR readout system LabVIEW software has already been developed for performing cryogenic measurements via a NI USB bus powered DAQ Estimated M&S and Labor to build a 16-Channel system including the sensors is $ and 5 days of labor – this work can be outsourced It is planned to install 2 AMRs at each cavity on the prototype CM: One inside the magnetic shield on each beam tube This will significantly reduce the cost of implementing magnetic field sensors on the production cryomodules, if required

9 Instrumentation Assemblies LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January 2015 All instrumentation will have to be assembled prior to installation inside the cryomodule. Individual components, such as temperature sensors, will have to be prepared for their specific application and terminated with wires/cables and required connectors. Several QA checks will also be made during the assembly and installation process. Detailed procedures and assembly drawings generated for the ILC CM-2 at Fermilab will be updated for use with the LCLS-II prototype (and production) cryomodules. These documents include 35 detailed assembly and installation procedures, 44 drawings, and 27 checkout procedures for CM-2; many of which will be updated for the LCLS-II CM instrumentation and are currently being implemented for the cryomodule travelers.

10 Instrumentation Assembly & Installation Procedures LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January Instrumentation assembly and installation procedures that were generated for ILC CM-2. Most of these will be modified for use with the LCLS-II prototypes and will later be updated for the Production Readiness Review.

11 Instrumentation Assembly & Installation Drawings LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January Instrumentation assembly and installation drawings that were generated for ILC CM-2. Most of these will be modified for use with the LCLS-II prototypes and will later be updated for the Production Readiness Review.

12 Instrumentation Assembly & Installation QA Checkouts LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January Instrumentation assembly and installation QA checkouts that were generated for ILC CM-2. Most of these will be modified for use with the LCLS-II prototypes and will later be updated for the Production Readiness Review.

13 Lessons Learned LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January 2015 The following are lessons learned from instrumenting the ILC cryomodules 1 & 2: The N-type feed-through penetrations on the CM-1 flanges were not machined with a D shape for locking the connectors. As a result, the connectors would turn when trying to tighten them, making it difficult to get a good vacuum seal. -Machined the flanges on CM-2 with the D-shape, which fixed the problem. Use of in-house welded multi-pin feed-through connectors on ILC CM-2 was problematic and costly -Now using O-ring sealed hermetic feed-through connectors

14 Conclusions LCLS-II Prototype Cryomodule Final Design Review: Instrumentation, 21 January 2015 The LCLS-II cryomodule list of instrumentation was completed and documented (Ref# ED ), and a P&ID has been generated based on this list. A Technical Specification document for the LCLS-II prototype cryomodule instrumentation has been generated and is ~50% complete. The instrumentation hardware selections and installation techniques/procedures are based on previous experience instrumenting cryogenic systems, accelerator devices, and ILC cryomodules. High sensitivity magnetic field sensors will be required for the prototype. Cryogenic fluxgate sensors meet the requirements but are relatively expensive. An alternative less expensive technology that may meet the requirements has been successfully tested with promising results. Most of the 100 existing procedures, drawings, and checkout documents generated for ILC CM-2 will be modified for the LCLS-II prototype cryomodules and will later be updated for the Production Readiness Review. The Quality and Materials Department is currently implementing these documents for the LCLS-II travelers. Lessons learned from the ILC cryomodule instrumentation work have been applied to the LCLS-II cryomodule instrumentation specification.