Highbury Quadrant achieved some excellent results in 2015! RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY 90% of our year 6 pupils left achieving a Level 4 or above in Reading, Writing & Maths. Level 4 is the target set by the government to show a child is ready to achieve at secondary school. Our 90% is 25% higher than the National Threshold for Floor Standard for schools. 2015L4+ for reading, writing & maths Highbury Quadrant performance 90% National Threshold for Floor Standard 65%
Highbury Quadrant achieved some excellent results in 2015! We are in the top 10 schools in Islington (out of 45) for writing levels for all pupils and for boys at Level 4 and above. We are in the top 13 schools in Islington for reading levels of all pupils at Level 4 and above. We are in the top 12 schools in Islington for Maths levels of all pupils at Level 4 and above. We are well above the average in Islington schools and the national average of schools across the country. RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY
Highbury Quadrant achieved some excellent results in 2015! RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY In year 2, 84% of our pupils achieved a Level 2 and above in reading and writing. In year 2, 86% of our pupils achieved a Level 2 and above in maths. 91.4% of our children left the Early Years achieving in the Prime Areas in comparison to 74% of children in other Islington schools. 66% of children in Early Years achieved a Good Level of Development compared to 64% in other Islington schools.
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY Done Our pupil voice at Highbury Quadrant At Highbury Quadrant we receive a good quality of learning. I really love Maths. Ceren, Year 6 pupil We learn about teamwork, it is important for us to work together as a team. Everything is done in a fair way. Hamza, Year 6 pupil I like doing class assemblies as we get to perform and we have to learn our lines. I also enjoy doing my project homework where I had to find out lots of information like what happened in the past. Hassti, Year 3 pupil It is fun learning and I like to see my friends. We play pirate ships and skipping at playtimes. Munira, Year 2 pupil
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY Our staff voice at Highbury Quadrant Highbury Quadrant is an amazing place where everyone works so hard to support our pupils and ensure they are happy, safe and that they achieve highly. Our pupils come to school with a positive attitude, they learn from their mistakes and we are very proud of every single child. Mrs King, Depty Headteacher We all work together as a team at Highbury Quadrant. Ms Pieterse, Year 1 teacher Playcentre is a great opportunity for children to come together to play and develop social skills in a safe environment. Adrian, Out of School Hours Learning Manager
The school is a genuinely open, harmonious, joyful place. Our children are thriving educationally and socially. They could not be happier elsewhere. Emily & Kat on behalf of some other Year 2 parents Our parent voice at Highbury Quadrant RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY Staff are approachable, friendly and very helpful. They make time to see you. There are lots of extra-curricular activities for children and the parent and carer workshops are extremely helpful. Year 4 parent
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
Highbury Quadrant achieved some excellent results in 2015! RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY 90% of our year 6 pupils left achieving a Level 4 or above in Reading, Writing & Maths. Level 4 is the target set by the government to show a child is ready to achieve at secondary school. Our 90% is 25% higher than the National Threshold for Floor Standard for schools. 2015L4+ for reading, writing & maths Highbury Quadrant performance 90% National Threshold for Floor Standard 65%
Highbury Quadrant achieved some excellent results in 2015! We are in the top 10 schools in Islington (out of 45) for writing levels for all pupils and for boys at Level 4 and above. We are in the top 13 schools in Islington for reading levels of all pupils at Level 4 and above. We are in the top 12 schools in Islington for Maths levels of all pupils at Level 4 and above. We are well above the average in Islington schools and the national average of schools across the country. RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY
Highbury Quadrant achieved some excellent results in 2015! RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY In year 2, 84% of our pupils achieved a Level 2 and above in reading and writing. In year 2, 86% of our pupils achieved a Level 2 and above in maths. 91.4% of our children left the Early Years achieving in the Prime Areas in comparison to 74% of children in other Islington schools. 66% of children in Early Years achieved a Good Level of Development compared to 64% in other Islington schools.
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY Done Our pupil voice at Highbury Quadrant At Highbury Quadrant we receive a good quality of learning. I really love Maths. Ceren, Year 6 pupil We learn about teamwork, it is important for us to work together as a team. Everything is done in a fair way. Hamza, Year 6 pupil I like doing class assemblies as we get to perform and we have to learn our lines. I also enjoy doing my project homework where I had to find out lots of information like what happened in the past. Hassti, Year 3 pupil It is fun learning and I like to see my friends. We play pirate ships and skipping at playtimes. Munira, Year 2 pupil
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY Our staff voice at Highbury Quadrant Highbury Quadrant is an amazing place where everyone works so hard to support our pupils and ensure they are happy, safe and that they achieve highly. Our pupils come to school with a positive attitude, they learn from their mistakes and we are very proud of every single child. Mrs King, Depty Headteacher We all work together as a team at Highbury Quadrant. Ms Pieterse, Year 1 teacher Playcentre is a great opportunity for children to come together to play and develop social skills in a safe environment. Adrian, Out of School Hours Learning Manager
The school is a genuinely open, harmonious, joyful place. Our children are thriving educationally and socially. They could not be happier elsewhere. Emily & Kat on behalf of some other Year 2 parents Our parent voice at Highbury Quadrant RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY Staff are approachable, friendly and very helpful. They make time to see you. There are lots of extra-curricular activities for children and the parent and carer workshops are extremely helpful. Year 4 parent
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!
RESPECT ACHIEVEMENT POSITIVITY The amazing homework projects of 3Q Angel class!