Unit 1 test review.


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Presentation transcript:

Unit 1 test review

Part I of test=fabula=10 pts. You will answer questions about a Latin story. Remember to read the questions first, then read the story and search for the answers. The questions are in order as one will find the answers in the story.

II=Verum aut Falsum=10 pts. Roma est in Italia. verus

Puellas statuae spectant. falsus

III=Multiple Choice=14 pts. I love life. Amo vitam Amas vita Amat vitas Amamus vitae

IIII=Vocabulary=20 pts. Paginae 15,21,27,34 Paolo Uccello, 1443, Florence,Italy

Puellae agricolam amant. V.Matching=13 pts. Match the Latin sentence with its English translation. Nota Bene=singular and plural verbs and nouns, cases of nouns Puellae agricolam amant. Girls love the farmer.

VI.Culture=18 pts. Phrases such as etc. Et al……. Geography-Hibernia, Gallia, Italia, Hispania Pictures in the textbook

bonus Colores Tell the main color. Sort the other colors under the main color.

Total for the test 86 pts.