What is Microsoft Access? Def. Microsoft Access is the branch of Microsoft Office which is use for Database.
What is Database? Def. A collection of well define which taken form a client is called database. OR A collection of table is called database. A collection of object is called database. e.g. (table, query, form,report, etc.)
There are two method to teach MS access 1:intor MS Access 2:Expert mode or PBT(Project Base Training)
What is Table? Def. A collection of row and columns is called table. OR Def. A structure of row and columns which store the data is called table. OR Def. It is the part of the project where the data stored.
What is Relationships? We can use relationship for the following method 1:To convert two are more then two tables 2:Its play very important roll in database 3:it control the data among the table
Table Around Relationship We have the following table 1: Master, parent, Main table 2: Sub, Child table 3 Conjunction table ( many to many relationship )
Types Of Relationship? There are three (3) types of Relationship are given below 1.One to One (1:1) 2.One to many (1: ) 3.Many to Many ( : )
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