Ordinance No. 880-B, Revisions to Chapter 9.5 of the City of Southlake Code, Article V – Oil & Gas Well Drilling and Production. Item 6B
Presentation Discussion of setback maps - Overview of maps - City park setback Distance for testing perennial or intermittent stream, wetland or pond Insurance requirements
Setback Maps To assist the City Council in reviewing and establishing setbacks, the staff developed a series of maps indicating various setback scenarios from the following: - Habitable structures and property lines of schools - Ignition sources - Fueling locations year flood plains - Public rights of way - Corp of Engineer Critical Structures - Southlake 2025 Critical Resource Areas - City Parks
Setbacks – Habitable Structures Calculated drillable areas under present conditions for the following distances: - 750’ - 1,000’ - 1,250’ - 1,500’
Setbacks – Habitable Structures – 1,000’
Setbacks – Habitable Structures – 1,500’
Ignition and Fuels Sources Calculated setbacks from known ignition and fuel sources for the following distances: - 300’ - 400’ - 500’
Ignition and Fuel Sources
100 year floodplain Calculated setbacks from the FEMA 100-year floodplain: - Identified floodplain - 300’
Public rights of way Calculated setbacks from the public rights of way: - 100’ - 200’ - 300’ - 400’ - 500’ - 600’ - 700’ - 750’
Corp of Engineers Critical Structures Calculated distance from Corp of Engineers Critical Structures : - Distance from the Grapevine Lake Dam
Southlake 2025 Environmental Resource Areas Environmental Resource Protection Areas: - Identified locations
City Park Setback Calculated distance from City Parks: - 500’ - 1,000’
Setback Items to Consider Permanent off-site ignition source 300 ft (p.33) Public right of way100 ft (p.36) Fuel Source300 ft (p. 36) Public or Private School1,000 ft (Prop Line) (p. 29) Public ParksNR* - TBD (p. 13) Habitable Structures1,000 ft (p.29) Freshwater WellNR ** Floodplain NR*** (p. 29) Environmentally Sensitive AreasNR**** (p.37) US Army Corp of Engineers NR * Prohibited within public parks ** Well Testing Required *** Permitted with City Approval **** Not Permitted NR = No Response
Current Regulation Section Well Permit Required page 13 – (e) No permits to drill shall be issued for wells within any public park. Currently do not have a setback regulation in place for public parks
Current Regulation Section (gg) page 33 The operator of a well shall provide the inspector with a "pre-drilling" and "post-drilling" water analysis and flow rate from any existing fresh water well within 2,000 feet of the well. and any existing fresh water perennial or intermittent stream, pond, or wetland within TBD feet of the well. Currently do not have a distance regulation in place for testing
Current Regulation Section Insurance and indemnification pages 25 & 26 – (3) Required insurance coverage. a)Commercial or comprehensive general liability insurance b)Automobile liability insurance c)Worker’s compensation insurance d)Excess (or umbrella) liability insurance e)Control of well insurance