7/22/20161 Japan and its neighbours
7/22/20162 What do you know about China & Korea? Think about it. Write down your answer. Pair. Find a partner. Share your ideas with your partner. Class Discussion. Why are China, South Korea and North Korea important countries to Japan and the rest of the world?
7/22/20163 Topics of Discussion Historical considerations Recent events Territorial disputes Security and peacekeeping Economic considerations Environmental considerations The role of other countries in E. Asia like the USA The role of NGOs, NPOs and multinational corporations
7/22/20164 General Information 1 South KoreaNorth Korea GovernmentDemocratic Republic Communist Population48.5 Million22.7 Million Population Growth 0.27 %0.42 % Population > 65 years old 10.8 %9.4 % 1 ChinaJapan CommunistDemocracy 1.34 Billion127Million 0.66 % % 8.1 %22.2 %
7/22/20165 International Issues S. KoreaN. KoreaChinaJapan Territorial Disputes TakeshimaMilitary danger & Nuclear threat Senkaku Is., Taiwan, ethnic groups within Northern Territories (Russia) Trade frictions/ Imbalances Anti-Japan protests International sanctions Anti-Japan, devalued currency Relies mainly on import of resources History Textbooks Anti-Japan COMMON Pro- N. Korea HISTORY Anti-Japan TEXT IN Japan focus PROGRESS What about Human Rights, Social Justice and Global Citizenship?
7/22/20166 History (1) There have long been links between China, Korea and Japan. These countries have a shared history. However, each nation has developed a unique and rich cultural heritage. Also, within this region there are many sub or micro-cultures.
7/22/20167 History (2) North Korea and South Korea have a long and rich history but were separated in 1953 as a result of the Korean War ( ). 179 countries participated in this war. The Communist North was backed by the Soviet Union while the Democratic South by the U.S. as part of the Cold War.
7/22/20168 History (2) North and South Korea are split at the latitude of 38 degrees. KIM II, has led N. Korea since the death of his father. While S. Koreans enjoy a high standard of living, N. Korean people live in poverty. N. Korea spends much money on the military.
7/22/20169 History (3) N. Korea has been in the news for nuclear arms, missile tests and kidnapping Japanese. N. Korea and S. Korea share a common language and culture. Recently, some progress has been made to reunite them. S. Korean maps don’t show a divided Korea.
7/22/ Culture and Society Increasingly, young people have an interest in other cultures. Tourism and study abroad is increasing in E. Asia. Japan is becoming more reliant on Chinese and Korean investment and trade. There is a need for improved relations between these powerful nations.
7/22/ Conclusions Koreans and Chinese form the largest foreign population in Japan. But Korean and Chinese residents face significant discrimination. Nevertheless, Japan may have to increase immigration to deal with an aging population. Mutual friendship and understanding should be a goal for Chinese, Korean and Japanese.