FP7-Infrastructures-2007-2 CSA-223791 EUAsiaGrid - Project presentation Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca and INFN kick-off.


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Presentation transcript:

FP7-Infrastructures CSA EUAsiaGrid - Project presentation Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca and INFN kick-off meeting – Taipei, April 8-9, 2008

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Partners 1Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (Italy) (coordinator) 2CESNET (Czech Republic) 3University of Manchester (United Kingdom) 4HealthGrid (France) 5Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines) 6Australia National University (Australia) 7Academia Sinica (Taiwan) 8Advanced Science and Technology Institute (Philippines) 9Hydro and Agro Informatics Institute (Thailand) 10Infocomm Development Authority (Singapore) 11Institute of Information Technology (Vietnam) 12Institute Teknologi Bandung (Indonesia) 13 National Electronics and Computing Technology Center (Thailand) 14University Putra Malaysia (Malaysia) 15MIMOS Berhad (Malaysia)

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Timescale and budget  CSA funding scheme  Start date: April 1st, 2008  Duration: 24 months  Budget: kEuro  EU contribution: 920 kEuro  Collaboration with EGEE-III, EU-IndiaGrid and EU- ChinaGrid

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Abstract  The EUAsiaGrid proposal contributes to the aims of the Research Infrastructures work programme by “promoting international interoperation between similar infrastructures with the aim of reinforcing the global relevance and impact of European e-Infrastructures”.  The project’s main goal will be to pave the way towards an Asian e-Science Grid Infrastructure, in synergy with the other European Grid initiatives in Asia, namely EGEE-III via its Asia Federation, and both the EUChinaGRID and EU- IndiaGRID projects and their eventual follow on efforts.  Taking advantage of the existing global Grid technologies, with the specific emphasis on the European experience with the gLite middleware and applications running on top of it, the project plans to encourage federating approaches across scientific disciplines and communities.  EUAsiaGrid will act as a support action, aiming to define and implement a policy to promote the gLite middleware developed within the EU EGEE project across Asian countries.  Its main actions will be to spread dissemination, provide training, support scientific applications and monitor the results.

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Objectives Promote awareness in the Asian countries of the EGEE infrastructures, middleware and services by means of specific dissemination activities, such as workshops, training events, conferences, and hands-on demonstrations; Capture local e-Science user requirements in terms of resources needed, Grid services, application software, and training needs, building on results of the EGI_DS project; Build a EuroAsian Grid community by identifying and aggregating new and existing user communities into a virtual Grid-based research space; Assist regional integration with the wider Grid infrastructure in collaboration with the EGEE III Asian Federation and the EUChinaGrid and EU-IndiaGrid projects, thus significantly contributing to the creation of a human network in the area of Grids, e- Science and e-Infrastructures between Europe and Asia; Promote common e-Science applications in Asia and Europe, by supporting the early user communities already engaged in Grid applications (Life Science, Particle Physics), and engaging new ones by coordinating common actions of dissemination and training; Provide specific training materials and events targeted to the needs of users in the Asian countries as established in part in Objective 2, and in part building on the experience gained from the EUChinaGrid and EU-IndiaGrid projects. Foster international cooperation by working in synergy with members of the EGEE II Asian Federation, and the EU-IndiaGrid and EUChinaGRID projects.

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Work breakdown WP1Project administrative and technical managementINFN WP2Requirements capture and coordination policy definition UNIMAN WP3Support of scientific applicationsCESNET WP4DisseminationAS WP5TrainingINFN

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 WP1 - Administrative and technical management

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 WP2 - Requirement capture and coordination policy definition

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 WP3 - Support of scientific applications

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 WP4 - Dissemination

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 WP5 - Training

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Total effort

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Project management structure

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Collaborative tools Website (password protected): Mailing lists: Agenda system Documents repository

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Next events

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008

Richieste > CONSUMI (Euro 8500) contributo a stand EUAsiaGrid a OGF23 = Euro 1500 materiale di disseminazione = Euro 4000 contributo a stand EUAsiaGrid alla conferenza OFG24 = Euro > MISSIONI ESTERE (Euro 39000) 2 persone a EUAsiaGrid kickoff / ISGC08, Taiwan, Euro trainers a Scuola Grid per Sistemisti, Lug 08, Taiwan = Euro trainers a Scuola Grid utenti generici, Ott 08, Taiwan = Euro persone a OGF23, Barcellona, Giu 08 = Euro persone a OGF24, Singapore, Ott 08 = Euro persone a F2F meeting, Dec 08, Taiwan = Euro persona a SC08, Nov 08, Austin = Euro persone a EGEE08, Set 08, Istanbul = Euro 3000 (la distribuzione che proporrei e’: 15 kEuro MiB + 16 kEuro CT + 8 kEuro CNAF) -> MISSIONI INTERNE (Euro 4000) per riunioni tra le 3 sedi che collaborano (la distribuzione che proporrei e’: 2 kEuro MiB + 1 kEuro CT + 1 kEuro CNAF)

Marco Paganoni - Univ. Milano-Bicocca e INFN  kick-off meeting  Taipei, April 8th, 2008 Personale Marco Paganoni (MIB - Project Manager) Giuseppe Andronico (CT) Roberto Barbera (CT) Andrea Cristofori (CNAF) Diego Scardaci (Catania) art 2222 (MIB)