Map MLK and Camden PM Stations and Airports
Philadelphia 2006 PM 2.5 FRM Annual Averages and Major Industrial Sources
MLK Area Showing Roadways
Aerial Photo: Camden Trailer Monitoring Site AIRS # Birds Eye 80 Yards Station inside the red circle.
Aerial Photo: Camden Trailer Monitoring Site AIRS # yards Station inside the red circle.
Aerial Photo MLK Site Wilmington DE AIRS # In Red Circle. Scale 150 Yards.
Annual Wind Rose when Camden NJ ( ) PM 2.5 Hourly data greater than 25 ug/m3 using wind speed and direction data from the Camden site, Philadelphia Airport, and the PADEQ City of Chester Station ( ). Camden Vs CamdenCamden Vs Chester PA DEQ Camden Vs Philadelphia AP Chester Annual Wind Rose All HoursCamden Annual Wind Rose All HoursPhiladelphia All Hours WR
PM 2.5 Annual Wind Roses Plots Using 4 Met Stations Hourly Date.. The plotted hours are for periods when MLK PM 2.5 hourly data were greater than 25 micrograms per cubic meter. Two all hour annual wind roses are provided to demonstrate tendencies. MLK VS MLKMLK VS New Castle AP MLK VS Millville AP MLK VS Philadelphia AP MLK Annual Wind RosePhiladelphia Annual Wind Rose
PM 2.5 Cool Month Wind Roses Plots Using 4 Met Stations: OCT, NOV, DEC, JAN, & FEB. The plotted hours are for periods when MLK PM 2.5 hourly data were greater than 25 micrograms per cubic meter. Provided are all hour wind roses for two sites. MLK VS MLK MLK VS New Castle APMLK VS Millville AP MLK VS Philadelphia APMLK All Hours Wind Rose cool monthsPhiladelphia All Hours WR
MLK Wind Roses when PM 2.5 were greater than 20.0 micrograms per cubic meter (33 % of Data) and Black Carbon data were greater than 8 % of PM 2.5 (18 % of Data for + 20 ug/m3 hrs) Annual Day Hrs 6:00 to 20:00 Warm Months Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, & Sep Cool Months Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, & Feb Day Hrs 6:00 to 20:00 Day Hrs 6:00 to 20:00
MLK Wind Roses when PM 2.5 Hourly values were greater than 20 micrograms per cubic meter and Top Row when Black Carbon data ranged from 3 to 8 % of PM 2.5 (50 % of data) And Bottom Row When Black Carbon were less than 3 % of PM to 8 % AnnualWarm Months Cool Months Less than 3% AnnualWarm MonthsCool Months
MLK Wind Roses When Hourly PM 2.5 Were Greater than 12 micrograms per cubic meter and Black Carbon Data were greater than 15 % of PM 2.5 Rare Occurrence 359 Hours during 2002 through 2005 Day Hours total 269 6:00 to 20:00