Acid Rain Acid Rain: Precipitation that has a pH that is lower than 5.6 Causes: Sulfur & nitrogen oxides in the atmosphere Oxides react with water to form acids (sulfuric, nitric)
Acid Rain Sources: Industrial: power plants (Detroit), smelters, petroleum refineries (Buffalo & Rochester), automobiles (population) Natural: volcanic eruptions The northeastern jet stream blows towards central NY
Acid Rain Effects: Fish populations affected (need pH’s of 5.6 or higher) Decreased soil fertility (crops wont grow as easily) *farmers must neutralize soil to 7 they add manure (has ammonia in it – a base) Destroys cuticle on plants leaves so more diseases get in
Acid Rain Dissolves/erodes the stone on buildings and statues Emissions cause respiratory problems in humans such as asthma, coughs, eye, nose, and throat irritations
Acid Rain Toxic metals in the water are absorbed by fruits, vegetables, and in the tissues of animals which are then eaten by humans --- has been linked to brain damage and kidney problems Onondaga LakeVegetables near Onondaga Lake
Acid Rain Why is the northeastern US most affected? Acid rain and snow are often worse in areas near heavy industries (Detroit – car industries and Buffalo/Rochester – smelters and petroleum refineries) The jet stream blows from west to east across the US. Therefore we get the pollution from Detroit, Rochester, and Buffalo.
pH levelsEFFECTS <6.0*Basic forms of food die off. Examples. Mayflies and stoneflies are important food sources for fish. They can’t survive at this pH level <5.5*fish cannot reproduce *young have difficulty staying alive *more deformed adult due to lack of nutrients *fish die of suffocation <5.0*Fish population die off <4.0*Very different life forms, if any, than before