Insuring your goods while shipping them via courier lets you sit back and relax while your courier company ships your goods to the desired location. Shipping items is quite a daunting task even for the experts since products of all kinds are transported in the same vessel or truck headed to a similar destination especially in the case of courier companies. Although utmost care is taken by courier companies while shipping goods to ensure a safe delivery of your goods still human error cannot be ruled out completely. There are instances of fragile items breaking, your packages going missing and a host of other problems that may intrigue and trouble the sender and the receiver both. Thus insurance in many cases while shipping items becomes necessary.shipping Problems while shipping goods Many times courier companies have to rely on third parties to transport material to their collection hubs situated in different parts of the country. The third party transporter may not handle the packages as the courier company would have thus raising the possibility of breakage and misplacement of packages on the way.
Weather conditions may play spoil sport if the packages are transported in open trucks or vehicles that do not have anything to cover the material that is being transported. Storage, shifting and rough handling of the material cannot be ruled out even at the collection hubs of courier companies especially at a time when they have a heavy flow of packages with limited staff to cater to those packages. Thus proper packaging of your material is a must to save it from breakage. Insurance will come into play in by getting back you some money in case of a lost or damaged package. Courier companies can’t see inside the package Courier companies do not look into the package while they transport it. Unless mentioned on the package what exactly it contains the courier company does not have an idea if the package they are delivering is fragile or robust. It is imperative to label the package as fragile or handle with care if it contains something breakable. This will ensure that the courier company handles your package with tender hands. It is your prerogative and the level of trust and the professionalism a courier company exhibits - you should label your package when sending out important paperwork. A professional company like will be the best bet while sending out important papers to any part of Australia.
Insurance of goods needs to be made sure by the sender Insurance in itself is not going to pay you any returns if everything goes smoothly in terms of monetary gains. However one thing that is important as compared to monetary gains is peace of mind and that is what insurance on your shipment will provide you. However is something goes wrong on the way like your package is damaged or it is lost you will be getting money that will cover for the loss you have gone through although it will not be able to subdue the mental agony of having lost your shipment in transition. The amount of money you are going to get for a lost or damaged shipment may not be equal to the value of your package - it will depend upon the agreement you have had with your insurance provider or the courier company which has provided you with that insurance. Check local legislations before sending valuable Items As a general rule customer, courier companies and insurance companies are not going to insure each and every shipment you are going to send out. There are a few items that you need to insure before sending them owing to their commercial value or the price tag they are pegged at.
These products can be Coins, Travellers cheques, Securities of any kind payable to bearer, Platinum, gold or silver, manufactured or otherwise, Jewels, Other articles of high intrinsic value, Precious stones (all valuable natural mineral stone, silica or substances extracted from the group, whether in its natural state or refined, processed, set or treated). However you need to be very sure about the state legislations if they really approve of transporting such material via courier services. Within Australia you are free to send these items via a good shipping company offering flat rate shipping like but for international locations it is imperative to check for international shipping norms and regulations of that particular country. Insurance in case of sending these items is very important since they command a high commercial value and a loss of such items may mean a loss of fortune for the sender and the receiver. Article Source: