Basic tags are the ones which defines the General structure of the html document These tags are a prominent part of a webpage. They enclose all the other tags. The basic structure for all html documents is simple and should include the basic tags at the minimum Tags <!Docype <html <!Comment
Presenting and Arranging Text is an essential Aspect of working with text Besides making The structure of your document stand out with headings, you can also separate text with paragraphs, scrolling text, dividing it in to multiple columns reformatting text are all a part of presenting text on a webpage. Tags
Images help make a web page look attractive They create interest and draw the attention of a user to the website They provide an alternate way to present information on a web page They break the monotony of a text –only webpage by introducing variation. A wise use of images with texts adds to the overall content value of a web page Image in jpg,gif, png formate are used as most browsers support these formate Images help make a web page look attractive They create interest and draw the attention of a user to the website They provide an alternate way to present information on a web page They break the monotony of a text –only webpage by introducing variation. A wise use of images with texts adds to the overall content value of a web page Image in jpg,gif, png formate are used as most browsers support these formate
Lists are a useful assets that yet you display information in a compact tight format They Help you to present information in an organized and brief manner they can be used To display main points of something or a particular sequence of events the three types of lists are 1 ordered lists 2 unodered lists 3 Definition lists
Tables are created in html to display data in rows and columns of cells the rows and columns of the table itself are divided in to cells and each cell holds the actual table data such an arrangement is ideal for scientific or academic data. this arrangement is not rearranged by the browser. Tables have evolved from only supporting plain textual data to being a flexible platform for elements To accomplish all sorts of layouts.
Tables are created using the tag. It has various supporting tags such as and Tags
Frames allow links to be targeted to adjacent Region with in the same window. The predefined target names are _blank it opens the documents in a new Unnamed browser window. _self: it opens documents in the same window or frame. *_parent: It open documents in the parent of the current document Frames allow links to be targeted to adjacent Region with in the same window. The predefined target names are _blank it opens the documents in a new Unnamed browser window. _self: it opens documents in the same window or frame. *_parent: It open documents in the parent of the current document
_top: It replace the current document when the linked document is opened it replace the entire top level document, not just the current frame. Tags _top: It replace the current document when the linked document is opened it replace the entire top level document, not just the current frame. Tags