Art of Ancient Egypt
Nile River Valley Egypt was kept separate from the rest of the world for over 3000 years. There were mountains to the south, deserts on both sides and the Mediterranean Sea to the north. All their unique art came from materials found in the valley: Gold Turquoise Lapis Red coral Glass
types of Egyptian Art Painting Architecture Pottery
Egyptian paintings and their accompanying hieroglyphics tell stories about Egyptian life and the transition into the afterlife. Egyptian Laws of Painting
Animal and human images are shown from their most familiar angle Head, torso and legs depicted in profile, and eyes and shoulders depicted frontally. Hieroglyphics are the captions for the pictures and are usually shown facing the same direction as the image they describe. Most often to the left. Twisted perspective
Hierarchal scale is used within the painting according to their relative importance. Pharaoh’s were shown in large scale High Officials were small Servants and animals were the smallest Pharaohs and Gods were shown the same size. Hierarchal Scale
Egypt is known for the Pyramids. Pyramids were tombs for the Pharaoh. They housed their mummified remains, riches and the beloved items that they would need in the afterlife. Architecture
The Egyptians made two kinds of pottery The one, ordinary soft pottery –Similar to the one we use in class. The other, a coarse, gritty compound, loose in its character and lacking cohesion, sandy, easily crumbled, very white, but always covered with a strong glaze or enamel. –This material was chiefly used for small objects, seldom for vases. –The blue has never been surpassed. Pottery
Symbolism in Egyptian art Symbolism was very important to Egyptians and their art told stories about how they lived and what they hoped life would be like after death.
The Scarab Beetle Symbolized the Sun god Khepri: –“He who comes into existence.” –Pushes the Sun across the sky Also known as dung beetle. Pharaohs would wear this symbol as amulets Placed over the heart of the deceased to help them pass on to the afterlife.
Assignment Use the hieroglyphics key given to draw your first name in your journal. Use your journals to sketch your Scarab Beetle.