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ABOUT ROKU Roku is a streaming device that stream contents from internet to TV. If you are using Roku for the first time then you need to do Roku account setup from Roku com website page.Roku account setup
How Roku feed works:Roku feed List of movies already available for purchase and rentals and subscription. ’TV shows’ displays list of all popular TV shows. ‘Movies coming soon ‘shows the list of movies that are released in cinemas but yet to come for subscription on streaming devices.
Services supported by Roku feed: Netflix does not support on Roku feed as they have no spare time to spend for other apps other than their own app. Roku is continuously encouraging them for participation in Roku Feed. Contents providers that support Roku feed includes HBO, HBO GO only with their HBO app but not with standalone now app. In the same way, Viacom has provided access to its contents on Roku feed with their comedy central and VH1 apps only, not with MTV.
What’s coming up next in Roku feed? New sorting feature Unwatched list. Live TV. If you want to use Roku feed feature on your Roku device then you must enter Roku link activation code for registering yourself on Roku com link.Roku link activation codeRoku com link
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