KS4 NC English Language & English Literature KS3 NC English Language
New grading criteria for: Reading Writing Speaking and listening Literature For each grade there is now a series of statements. These statements are an amalgamation of those outlined in the new NC, mark schemes from 2017 specimen papers, APP and criteria for current GCSE. Can be found in: H Drive/English/KS3/Assessing without levels/CLE Proposal
Read and writing will be assessed every term (S&L assessed within lesson). This enables us to track the areas covered to ensure each individual section of the criteria is assessed.` YEAR 7 – TERM 1 Reading assessment: Language analysis of unseen Chaucer character. Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language, form and structure to achieve effects. Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas. Support their ideas with quotes from/references to the text(s). Writing assessment: Imaginative description of a new pilgrim. Use ambitious vocabulary for effect. Can organise their ideas into paragraphs and sentences that logically flow. Proof read their work, amending and improving punctuation, grammar, structure and vocabulary. YEAR 8 – TERM 1 Reading assessment: Language analysis of prose extract within SOW. Explore the contexts in which texts are written and read and how this affects meaning. Support their ideas with quotes from/references to the text(s). Use subject terminology to support their views Writing assessment: Description of war. Use ambitious vocabulary for effect. Use a range of sentence structures accurately and for effect. Use a range of literary devices which are appropriate for the form and purpose of their writing. YEAR 9 – TERM 1 Reading assessment: Read Antony’s speech to the plebs in Act 3. How/Why is Antony so persuasive? Explain, comment on and analyse how writers use language, form and structure to achieve effects Support their ideas with quotes from/references to the text(s) Identify and interpret explicit and implicit information and ideas Writing assessment: A newspaper report, depicting the murder of Caesar. Use discourse markers to structure their writing and make links between ideas. Use ambitious vocabulary for effect. Adapt their writing for different forms, purposes and audiences