Guidelines for submission of accepted manuscripts Frontiers in Bioscience
Login Login at with the credentials ed to the corresponding author. Enter the address of the corresponding author to the “ ” box and password to the “Password” box. Mark “Author” and click “Login” If you lost the password, please click “Forgot password” and enter the address of corresponding author and the password will be ed to that address of corresponding author.
Dashboard The dashboard includes all information about your publications. Once logged in, click on “Guidelines” on the left pane and review the guidelines to authors and formatting instructions.
Click the “Author profile” on the left pane All information should be checked and corrected and missing information to be provided. The names of authors, affiliations, title and abstract of the manuscript are going to be used to generate PubMed and CrossRef XML. Avoid using non-English characters in names of authors, their affiliation, or title. Avoid copying and pasting of the abstract from Microsoft Word. If special characters are required in the abstract, please use the special menu to enter the character. My Publications
Author profile Review The “Member Profile” includes information about the corresponding author. Review the information and correct any error and add missing information. Fill all fields If required, the password may be changed. Click “Update profile”. Click “Dashboard”.
My Publications Click on “Read me first” in “My publications” menu and read the information about online submission steps in ppt, pps or pdf format. You can initiate the submission process by clicking on “View reviews” and using “Next” button to go through pages or return to dashboard to access any of the pages required to complete the submission process. Click on “View comments” in “My publications” menu to review the comments. If there is a comment in the comment section, please review and take the comments into consideration. Click on “Check and correct article details” in “My publications” menu to review the article details used for generation of XML for indexing services.
Review article details Review and if required correct errors and provide missing information since such data are used for generation of XMLs. Title should not exceed 75 characters and abstract should not exceed 175 words. Avoid using non-English characters. If required, special characters may be included in the abstract only using the provided menu. Provide minimum of five key words. These words are used to search and find the article. Click “Next”.
Authors Review, add or remove authors and their affiliations. Click “Edit” to edit names or add missing affiliations. Click “Next”.
Submit required files Submission of an accepted manuscript for publication requires three types of documents Galley. This document is produced when a manuscript is accepted for publication. The file of the galley is named as “temporary manuscript number.doc” such as “2011.doc”. Tables and figure legends are included at the end of the end of the galley. DOI. A document that includes all doi linked references in a file named as “doi.doc”. Figures. Figures should be named as “fig1.jpg”, “fig2.jpg” etc and should be ready for publication. Do not use any other naming system. Click “Next”.
Submit required files Instruction on formatting the manuscript is provided at the end of the galley. Correct and format the galley in accord with the this information and save the file without changing the filename. Upload the formatted galley by choosing “Manuscript” from the “Document Type” menu, for description enter “Formatted manuscript”, click “Choose File”, find and highlight the galley on your computer, and then click “Attach File”. Do not change the filename which is the temporary manuscript number.doc. Create and save the doi linked references and upload the doi.doc and figures by first choosing these from the drop down menu of “Document type”. Name figure files as “Figure 1” etc. Click on “Next”.
Review file submission Review details regarding the manuscript details and files included in your submission. If there are errors, go to dashboard, click to enter the page that requires correction. If article submission does not have error, Click on “Next”.
Copyright and Publication Packages “Copyright and Publication Packages” includes information on copyright and publications packages available for the article
Copyright and Publication Packages FBS subsidizes the publication charges for invited reviews. Choose the default basic package ($0) if your manuscript is an invited review. FBS and does not provide subsidy for other type of articles. Basic package does not include professional processing, PDF, reprint or subscription. Choose the appropriate package from the menu.
Fast Track, Express Open Access and Open Access Authors can choose any item from the list of options. “Fasttrack publication” allows publishing the article ahead of indexing. Fasttrack publications are open to subscribers. “Express open access publishing” allows publishing the article ahead of indexing and is set as open access from publication time to the time that the manuscript is indexed. “Open access publishing” allows publication to be open access from the date that the manuscript is indexed.
Figures If figures are submitted as specified in the “Guidelines to Authors”, there is no charge for online inclusion of black and white or color images. The charge ($45/figure) applies only if figures are not prepared in accord with FBS guidelines which require modification by the vendor. If you wish to allow the figures vendor, please include the number of figures in the box entitled “Enter the number of figures that require processing”.
Hard Copy Reprints If you require hard copy reprints, please change the default setting from “No” to “Yes”. Include the page numbers of the galley, number of reprints, lucrative covers, spineless covers, color plates (if reprint to be printed in color) and shipping address. Click on “Shipping Charge” menu and choose one of the items from the drop down menu. Shipping charge varies based on the address. The “Total Amount” at the bottom of the “Copyright and Publication Packages” is automatically calculated based on the chosen items in the menu.
Payment Options If the total amount is “$0”, click “Next”.
Payment Options For any payment, other than “$0”, click on the drop down menu of “Payment Options” and choose the payment type. Payment can be made by “Credit Card” or “PO”. If payment is by credit card, choose this option from the drop down menu and click “Next”.
Payment by credit card The credit card fields are automatically filled for corresponding author. If the credit card is issued to any other individual, please substitute the information, enter the credit card number and expiration date and other pertinent information and click to submit. Click on “Next”.
Payment by PO If payment is by PO, enter the PO number, and the contact information of Accounts payable. Check the copyright and publication terms and conditions. If you do not have a PO, please obtain one from “Accounts Payable” of your institution and then return to this page to enter the required information. Click on “Payment method for PO” and choose payment by direct transfer (bank to bank transfer) or Check payment.
Payment Options If payment is by credit card or by direct transfer, a service charge is added to the total amount.
Copyright and Publication terms and conditions Click on “I agree with the “Copyright and Publication terms and conditions” and read its contents. Place checkmark on the “Copyright and Publication terms and conditions” and then click “Next”.
Order Summary Review the summary of orders and features included in publication process. Click “View PDF” to view and download the Invoice or Receipt. Click “Submit for publication” to finalize submission.
Final Submission When returned to the dashboard after clicking “Submit for publication”, the “Submit manuscript files for publication” is disabled and manuscript files can not be resubmitted.
Order Summary Note: Upon submission, no further submission of galley, doi.doc or figures will be possible. For this reason, please insure that you have read and if required, revised all online information including names of authors, affiliations, title and abstract of the manuscript which are included in the XML of indexing services such as PubMed or CrossRef. Resubmissions of galley, doi.doc or figures require reprocessing of galley and all the relevant databases. To request reprocessing, click “Dashboard” on the left pane.
Request for Reprocessing Click on “Submit the copyright and choose a publication package”
Request for Reprocessing Click on “Galley reproduction and reprocessing”. The charge depends on when the request for reprocessing is submitted during the course of publication process. Make the payment and then, send an to to allow for the reprocessing
Orders Click on the “Orders” on the left pane, to review your orders.
Logout Click “Logout”.