Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 Supporting international cooperation
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 The DFG Profile and Key Goals central public funding organisation in Germany scientific excellence through competition international research collaboration advancement of young researchers Sources of Funding ~ 58% Federal States (Bund) ~ 41% States (Länder) ~ 0,4% Others DFG Head Office, Bonn-Bad Godesberg Budget (2008) 2646,4 Mio. Euro
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 Funding Volume (2008) Nearly 1000 running programmes More than projects funded Nearly 300 Mio Euro for research in biology More than 520 Mio Euro for research in medicine
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 The international strategy of the DFG Supporting International cooperation and activities of single researchers or whole groups of researchers by The opening of all DFG programmes for international cooperation Programmes with an international focus (International Research Training Groups, etc.) Agreements with Partner Organisations
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 The International DFG: Offices Abroad Aims promoting scientific collaboration building an extensive network of personal and professional links contact for funding agencies organising and conducting bilateral symposia Sino-German Centre for Research Promotion Beijing, 2000 DFG Office North America Washington DC, 2002 New York, 2007 DFG Office Russia Moskow, 2003 DFG Office India New Delhi, 2006 DFG Office Japan Tokyo April 2009
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 DFG's Japanese Partners Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) Memorandum of Understanding on German-Japanese Graduate Externship – International Research Training Groups (2005) JSPS Bonn Office Programme and Application Requirements Preparatory Visits Joint research projects Joint seminars Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) joint funding scheme for the research field of „Nano-Electronics“ joint application, to be handed in both to DFG and JST in parallel Memorandum of Understanding on Joint Research Program (15th April 2009)
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 An Example for International Cooperation – Joint Funding Scheme for “Nanoelectronics” The Start Joint Conference between JST and DFG in 2006 Funding Joint Call for Proposals in proposals for bilateral projects, 8 funded Two following Calls for Proposals in 2008 and 2009 The Benefit Intensification of International Cooperation Connection of Basic and Applied Research Establishment of Personal Contact Exchange of Knowledge Exchange of People Benefit for Young Researchers
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 Initiation and Intensification of Bilateral Cooperation Eligibility: Postdocs working in the German scientific community Funding modules Visits (up to 3 months at the German or the foreign partner’s institute) Joint events (workshops or seminars) Travel and flight costs* Maintenance costs* Event overheads including up to €1,000 for assistants Funding period: up to 1 year no proposal deadline * can be co-financed by foreign partner organisation if appropriate agreement exists
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 Research Visits to Germany Visiting Professorships – The Mercator Progamme Aims To enable German universities to invite highly qualified visiting professors from abroad for a DFG-funded stay To provide a visible accent of quality in the host university's activities Features Applications related to focal points in the university's scientific profile Contribution to –Research –Research-related educational activities –Graduate Research Training at the respective university department Intended stay between 3 and 12 months
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 International Scientific Events in Germany and Abroad International Conferences, Symposia, Colloquia and Workshops of major significance to their respective specialist field held at regular intervals in different countries attended by a large number of German and international participants International Specialist Conferences on a clearly defined, focused topic of relevance to present-day science and research attended by a limited international circle of participants run as discussion forums Annual Conferences held at regular intervals organised by German scientific societies involving national and international participants devoted to a different thematic focus each time also include events organised by working groups or specialist teams
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 Project Funding in International Cooperation Project Funding (Individual Grant/ Research Grant) Research grants offered in the individual grants programme are the central form of the research funding provided by the DFG. A research grant can be used to fund staff, scientific instrumentation, consumables, travel as well as most of the other financial requirements of a research project. The DFG requires the institution at which the project will be carried out to supply the necessary core support and resources. German partners can apply to the DFG for funding for expenses incurred through participation in an international cooperative project. Funding figures: 36 % of all Funded Initiatives in 2008 were supported via Project Funding
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 The Eugen and Ilse Seibold Prize Promoting research and understanding between Germany and Japan Personal prize, bestowed biennially since 1997 Purpose: awarded to Japanese and German scientists who have made an exceptional contribution towards advancing understanding between the two countries Number and Value of Awards: prize worth approx. €10,000, is awarded to one German and one Japanese scientist. Eligibility Requirements: The prize is awarded on the basis of nominations received in response to an invitation for recommendations from the DFG 2009 recipients: Makoto Ida, Keio University Law School, Tokio Wolfgang Schamoni, Japan Studies, Heidelberg University
Arbeitsgruppe Präsentation Bonn, 8. September 2007 Cornelia Pretzer Berlin, 26. Mai 2009 Thank you for your attention! For further information please contact: Dr. Ingrid Krüßmann, DFG Bonn, Dr. Iris Wieczorek, DFG Office Tokio, Sabine Ganter-Richter, DFG Bonn, Japan Unit: For scientific questions please contact: Dr. Jan Kunze, DFG Bonn,