CGL Coverage B and Specific Products Covering Data Breaches Primerus Convocation Amelia Island, FL April 2015
Chuck Allen Goodman, Allen & Filetti, PLLC Richmond, VA Frank Nappi Willis Group Pittsburgh, PA Josh Ladeau Allied World Insurance Farmington, CT Tom Paschos Tom Paschos & Associates Haddonfield, NJ
Variety of risk events Variety of data at risk Various studies (all with significant caveats) Verizon, 2014 Data Breach Investigations Report Ponemon Institute – 2014 Cost of Data Breach studies NetDiligence – Cyber Liability & Data Breach Insurance Claims (2014) Romanosky, etal – Empirical Analysis of Data Breach Litigation
NetDiligence®Ponemon Institute Records per Incident Mean: 2,400,000Mean: 29,087 Median: 3,500 Cost per IncidentMean: $733,109Mean: $5,900,000 Median: $144,000 HC Co Mean: $1,300,000 Cost per RecordMean: $956.21Mean: $201 Median: $19.84HC Ind. Mean: $316 Range: $0 to $33,000Svc Ind. Mean: $223 PHI IncidentsAverage records per incident2769 % of Org with at least 194% % of Org with 5 or more45% Average economic impact$2,400,000
NetDiligence® Range:$600 to $6,500,000 Median payout$144,000 Mean payout$733,109 Median per record payout$19.84 Average per record payout Median cost for legal defense$282,300 Average cost for legal defense$698,707 Median settlement cost$283,300 Average settlement cost$558,520 Median crisis services cost$110,594 Average crisis services cost$366,484 Percent of claims from Co with < $50 M rev23% Percent of claims form Co with < $300M rev75%
Nine Basic Patterns Point of Sale Intrusions Payment Card Skimmers Physical Theft and Loss Insider Misuse Denial of Service Attacks Crimeware Web Application Attacks Cyberespionage Miscellaneous Errors The industry may determine the pattern of greatest risk
Commercial Crime Policy Retail Ventures, Inc. v. Nat’l Union Fire Ins. Co., 691 F.3d 821 (6th Cir. 2012) U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit held that losses resulting from the theft of customers’ banking information from a retailer’s computer system are covered under a commercial crime policy.
Hacker accessed credit card and checking account information from 1.4 million DSW customers. AIG’s argued exclusion for “loss of proprietary information, trade secrets, confidential processing methods, or other confidential information of any kind” applied. Court held exclusion applied only to “secret information of [the policyholders] involving the manner in which business is operated” and did not apply to DSW’s claim Customers’ banking information was not confidential information of DSW and did not involve the manner in which it operated its business.
Sometimes there is limited D&O coverage available for cyber breaches. Examples: Some not-for-profit healthcare organizations (e.g., hospitals, large physician practices) may include an extension by endorsement for HIPAA Fines & Penalties.
Examples : Shareholder lawsuits may follow a data breach event which alleges wrongdoing by a company’s leadership. Such lawsuits may implicate D&O coverage. Some D&O policies – generally those purchased by private companies – may also provide “entity” or company coverage for a loss like a data breach as well
Zurich Am. Ins. Co. v. Sony Corp. of Am., Case No /2011 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. February 21, 2014) Hackers attacked Sony’s networks and stole nonpublic personal information of 100M people. 64 class action lawsuits (since consolidated) on behalf of network users followed as well as investigations by a variety of government entities.
Sony sought coverage from CGL carriers under the personal and advertising injury coverage Insurer’s position was that the personal and advertising coverage insures only purposeful conduct by an insured. Publication of private information by a third party fell outside the policy's coverage. NY Court agreed with Insurers.
General overview Policy characteristics Potential Cyber Risk Insurance Problems