World of Water Year 6 Summer Term – World of Water Science We will be researching water treatment issues focusing on a study of Cog Moors water treatment.


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Presentation transcript:

World of Water Year 6 Summer Term – World of Water Science We will be researching water treatment issues focusing on a study of Cog Moors water treatment centre. We will look at water based habitats and examine how the animals who live there have adapted to their environment. Classification keys and food chains. Pupils will complete an investigation on absorbency of a variety of materials. Music Pupils to examine use of cyclic patterns in music based on the weather. The pupils will have opportunities to compose, perform and evaluate their work. ICT Creating a digital story of The Candle Man using Movie Maker or Apple Macbooks - use digital photos from Goldcliff and the Wetlands. Importing and editing pictures from visit to Goldcliff. Writing simple computer programs using scratch and Crystal ICT. English We will read as a class the novel ‘The Candle Man’ by acclaimed local author, Catherine Fisher. Children will be encouraged to talk about the book, and will write in a variety of styles relating to this topic e.g. debates, reports, leaflets, letters, narrative stories etc. We will also be studying and evaluating non fiction texts based around our ships study in History. Geography Goldcliff as a contrasting locality topic – comparison of a rural and urban location. Field visit to village with discussion and study of the Newport Wetlands and its purpose Mapping our journey around Goldcliff; use of Google Earth. Trip to Cog Moors Education Centre (Dwr Cymru): water treatment issues. Maths History Local History Study of Goldcliff Study of the 17 th century flood in Goldcliff/ Perryman family Comparison study of ships from five eras (Roman, Stuart, Victorian, WW11, Newport Ship) RE Art Link with Wetlands study - observational drawings of birds Look at shapes, colours and tones from photos of the Wetlands Welsh Revision of first and third person language patterns through a character study of the Welsh pirate Harri Morgan. D & T Our D&T project in the Summer Term will be ‘Systems and Control’ where pupils will be asked to write their own simple computer program containing instructions. Pupils will be encouraged to consider where programs such as these are used in everyday life eg traffic lights. PE This term will see the children preparing for sports day, involving a series of athletic events, which will be timed or measured in order that performance may be improved. We will focus on prayer and other acts of worship focusing on the Christian religion. Children will be asked to consider reasons why people pray, how people prepare themselves for prayer and study artefacts used as an aid to prayer. Comparison of St John’s Church with St Mary Magdalene in Goldcliff Measuring, drawing and calculating angles. Problem solving activities involving money. Interpreting information from pie charts. Introduction to a lgebra. PSE This term pupils will be given the opportunity to discuss the transition to their next school. They will be discussing ‘value for money’ and making comparisons between prices of items. Study of issues surrounding refugees during ‘Refugee Week’.