Is your Flight on Time? Power BI
6 years - Currently working as an Senior DBA in Microsoft SQL Server - Business Intelligence (MSBI) group at UPS 40 years of work experience in designing, developing and implementing software and databases; 28 years at UPS Oracle OpenWorld Speaker “Achieving the Holy Grail of Rolling Database Upgrades” IOUG World Conference Speaker “Data Guard Broker”, “Rolling Upgrades” Technologies SQL Server Enterprise 2012, SSAS cubes / tabular models, Dashboards, SSIS (ETL) Microsoft Business Intelligence (MSBI) Toolset Data Warehousing: ETL, Dimensional Modeling, and Reporting Hobbies – Running, Photography, Woodworking Contact Info – Twitter Kenney Snell Profile
UPS operates one of the world's largest and safest airlines Total Aircraft (543) Jet Aircraft – 237 Short-termed leased or chartered aircraft Daily flight segments – 1,955 Airports served (728) Domestic – 382 International Reaching more than 220 countries and territories Air system includes air hubs in Cologne, Germany; Shanghai, Miami (to serve Latin America) intra-Asia hub in China, and Louisville (Worldport) Worldport has over 5.2 million square feet Heart of UPS’s global air network Air sort capacity is 416,000 packages/documents per hour 300 acres with 135 aircraft parking positions Average # Daily UPS Flights 251 in/out bound flights UPS UPS Airlines
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Profile UPS PBI Background Questions Introduction to Power BI FAA Definitions FAA On-time Performance ( Power BI Desktop – Development tool Get Data (CSV) Power Query Remove columns (during get data) Append Queries (Arrivals, Departures) Date / Time Dimensions (M code) Split / Merge queries (Airport – Airport_ID) Relationships On-time Performance Calculation Prorated delays calculations (divide by 0) Deploy FAA On-time Performance with PBI Agenda and Welcome
How many of you are familiar with Excel PowerPivot? How many of you are familiar with Power BI Service? (Cloud) How many of you are familiar with Power BI Desktop? (PC) Power BI Background questions
Microsoft’s latest set of cloud and on premise BI toolset One year old BI Solution “From Desktop to Enterprise” Allows you to Get data from many sources Transform the data Model the data Build reports and data visualizations and create Dashboards Its 3 major products that work together Power BI Desktop (free) On-Premises Data Gateway Personal Enterprise (Monthly subscription) – Power BI Pro Power BI Service (Cloud) Power BI What is it?
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On-time performance – Flight arrives < 15 minutes Formula - number of flights on-time / total flights Which airlines report data – Carriers that represent 1% of the nation's total domestic scheduled passenger service Canceled flight - flight not operating based on carriers published schedule within 7 days of scheduled departure Delayed minutes are calculated for delayed flights only. When multiple causes are assigned to one delayed flight, each cause is prorated based on delayed minutes FAA Passenger On-time Performance Definitions
Carrier - Within the Airline’s control Maintenance, fueling, or crew problems baggage loading or aircraft cleaning Weather - Significant meteorological conditions tornado, or hurricane blizzard National Aviation System (NAS) that refer to a broad set of conditions airport operations, heavy traffic volume, air traffic control Security - caused by evacuation of a terminal or concourse, re-boarding of aircraft because of security breach, inoperative screening equipment and/or long lines Late Arriving Aircraft - A previous flight with same aircraft arrived late, causing the present flight to depart late Reasons for Delays / Cancellations Definitions
Demo Power BI Site On-Time Performance Dashboard
=236&DB_Short_Name=On-Time =236&DB_Short_Name=On-Time Select the month Select the columns Download zipped file US FAA On-time Performance Web Page Download by Month
On-Time Performance Common Table Columns
Flight Schedules
Which Airlines have the best on-time performance? Which flights between airports are regularly on-time? What day of the week or month is best to fly? Which airline has the least cancellations? What airport have the most on time arrivals / departures Aircraft On-time PBI Site Questions
Get data (FAA On-time data – May) Drop / rename columns Append Queries (Arrivals, Departures) Get data – Split transform Airport_ID (Airport) Airline_ID (Carrier) Generate Date / time dimension tables using Power Query Create relationships Model data Create measures – How to calculate On-time performance Delays / cancellations Prorate delay minutes when there are multiple causes Create Reports Publish to PBI Service Power BI Desktop Demo How to build model, apply measures, and create reports
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On-time Performance Questions