D IAGNOSING M EDICAL P ROBLEMS Physical Exam/Blood Test/Urinalysis X-Rays/Fluoroscopy Ultrasound CAT Scan/MRI/PET Scan Biophotonics
check eyes and ears with an otoscope examine skin tap chest and abdomen to determine size and density of organs check reflexes with rubber hammer to determine nerve and muscle function use a stethoscope to listen to heart and lung sounds use a sphygmomanometer (blood pressure cuff) to measure blood pressure P HYSICAL E XAM
B LOOD T ESTS check for levels of red and white blood cells irregular levels indicate infection check for sugar in the blood irregular levels can indicate problems in digestive system check for hormone levels irregular levels can indicate problems in cell, tissue or organ regulation check for drug levels
U RINALYSIS check for white blood cells presence indicates infections in kidneys or bladder quantity of urine produced too much can indicate a problem with the pancreas too little can indicate a problem with the kidneys check for drug levels
X-R AYS penetrate materials penetrate skin and tissue but not metals and bones a radiograph is produced that shows bones and metal can be used to diagnose broken bones, cancer, problems with lungs and heart, cavities in teeth Non-Invasive Painless X-Rays Cause Mutations in DNA with Overexposure
F LUOROSCOPY uses a continuous beam of x-rays to produce an image of movement within the digestive track or circulatory system (called an angiogram) patients ingest or are injected with a liquid (such as barium or iodide) to allow doctors to better see the system in question Invasive Painless X-Rays Cause Mutations in DNA with Overexposure
U LTRASOUND uses high-frequency sound waves to produce images of body tissues and organs sound waves cannot penetrate bones or metal sound waves are introduced to the body by a transducer when the sound waves hit internal structures sound is reflected back and the sound waves are converted into an image can be used to diagnose organ, heart (echocardiogram), blood vessel and tissue problems Non-Invasive Painless
CT/CAT S CANS computer tomography/computer assisted tomography uses x-rays from all different directions to form a 3D images of the body produce detailed images of the body can be used to diagnose cancer, skeletal system abnormalities or soft tissue/organ problems are used to image bones, soft tissue and blood vessels at the same time Non-Invasive Painless X-Rays Cause Mutations in DNA with Overexposure
MRI magnetic resonance imaging uses powerful magnets and radiowaves to produce images of the body through manipulation of the hydrogen atoms in the human body produce detailed images of the body can produce images of the brain, heart, liver, soft tissues, bones, inside of bones can be used to diagnose many different health issues Non-Invasive Painless
B IOPHOTONICS uses the interaction of light with cells and tissues use the patterns of light scattered by cells to determine if abnormal or not use of endoscope (thin, flexible tube that has a bright light and camera) to view digestive tract Endoscopy Colonoscopy Invasive Can be Painful