GFF Third Investors Group Meeting Geneva, Switzerland June 23-24, 2016 Financing for RMNCAH: complementary financing Global Fund’s engagement with the Global Financing Facility
Global Fund’s Strategic Framework Investing to End Epidemics 2 Strengthening systems for health is critical to attain universal health coverage and to accelerate the end of the epidemics 1.Strengthen community responses and systems 2.Support reproductive, women’s, children’s, and adolescent health, and platforms for integrated service delivery 3.Strengthen global and in-country procurement and supply chain systems 4.Leverage critical investments in human resources for health 5.Strengthen data systems for health and countries’ capacities for analysis and use 6.Strengthen and align to robust national health strategies and national disease-specific strategic plans 7.Strengthen financial management and oversight Promote and protect human rights and gender quality 1.Scale-up programs to support women and girls, including programs to advance sexual and reproductive health and rights. 2.Invest to reduce health inequities including gender- and age-related disparities. 3.Introduce and scale up programs that remove human rights barriers to accessing HIV, TB, and malaria services. 4.Integrate human rights considerations throughout the grant cycle and in policies and policy-making processes. 5.Support meaningful engagement of key and vulnerable populations and networks in Global Fund-related processes. Maximize Impact Against HIV, TB and malaria Build Resilient & Sustainable Systems for Health Promote and Protect Human Rights & Gender Equality Mobilize Increased Resources
Supporting the vision and innovation of the GFF Women and girls come first 3 Investments to improve RMNCAH are important for universal health coverage and a priority in the Global Fund’s new strategy Global Fund supports the post-2015 agenda and the principles of integration, sustainability and equity – particularly for women and girls – in the SDGs Reducing gender inequality and protecting human rights are an essential part of ending the epidemics of HIV, TB and malaria and improving overall health Moving beyond health is also necessary to create a gender-equal world Global Fund is engaged with GFF at country level to develop RMNCAH investment cases and health financing strategies, as well as leverage domestic co-financing
4 Global Fund’s early engagement in all front-runner countries Two examples: Democratic Republic of Congo and Ethiopia Democratic Republic of Congo World Bank, Global Fund, GAVI and UNICEF strengthened their partnership including coordinating their efforts around facility-based performance-based financing in two provinces since 2013 Collaboration is focused on harmonization of operational and financial arrangements – geographic coverage, package of health services, and financing of this package using PBF mechanisms. Process of engagement has strengthened relationships Collaborative work in the DRC inspired design of the GFF Ethiopia World Bank, GAVI, Global Fund and DfID account for more than 75% of funds disbursed to the Federal Ministry of Health Developed a joint action plan to support resilient health systems Opportunities for further collaboration around joint financial assessments and risk mitigation strategies GFF can serve as platform for work on health financing strategy (e.g., costing gaps, health insurance, domestic financing and sustainability).
Global Fund’s collaboration in second-wave countries Early experiences in Bangladesh, Senegal, Uganda and Cameroon 5 Bangladesh Global Fund is involved in the donor partner consortium with the intent to improve domestic financing, especially for TB which does not receive any domestic financing Opportunities to work with GFF to leverage increases in domestic financing for health and improve the readiness of the country to absorb financing Senegal Health Financing Strategy was launched in February and work will be done in June-July on strategic planning and prioritization Global Fund remains interested in following the process with a focus on domestic resource mobilization with partner NGO's Uganda Longer term funding of HIV by PEPFAR, Global Fund and government is under discussion There is a lack of standards, therefore development of standards of quality of care under GFF will be an important area of collaboration Cameroon Strong collaboration between partners, particularly among UNFPA, UNICEF, Gavi and the Global Fund around country platform continues Discussions are currently underway, including with France, Germany, Gavi, Global Fund, and PEPFAR for complementary financing of the investment case
Moving forward: opportunities for continued engagement with GFF 6 RMNCAH Investment Cases Participate during the development of RMNCAH investment cases and financing strategies, and share information regarding current investments At the request of countries, support co-financing of RMNCAH and integrated service delivery through reprogramming of existing grants, and during the development of new applications in 2017 which reflect priorities outlined in investment cases Health Financing Leverage increased domestic financing for health and improve readiness of countries to absorb financing Develop innovative health financing strategies Expanding health insurance to include HIV, tuberculosis and malaria Strengthening public financial management systems Strengthening social protection mechanisms Scaling-up performance-based financing approaches Operationalization of business plan Explore possibility of joint implementation modalities (e.g., risk mitigation)