The Engagement Cycle : engaging with patients and public throughout the commissioning process In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH
Engaging patients and the public - we all benefit... Moral Business Social and political Health Legal Engaging with patients and the public can happen at two levels: Individual level – 'my say' in decisions about my own care and treatment (often referred to as shared decision-making) Collective level – ‘my’ or ‘our say’ in decisions about commissioning and delivery of services The Engagement Cycle focuses on the collective level
A conceptual framework for PPE Individual My say in decisions about care and treatment Collective Our say in planning, design and delivery of services Information Feedback Influence
InformationFeedbackInfluence Individual My say in decisions about care and treatment Information to patients about care and treatment Opportunities for individuals to provide feedback (e.g. PALS, complaints) Ways that individuals can take more control and/or manage their own condition Collective Our say in planning, design and delivery of services Information to patients and the public about local services Opportunities for patients and public to feedback or comment on services (quantitative or qualitative; consultations, etc) Ways that people can have more input into, or influence over decisions (e.g. co- production, patient/user-led initiatives) A conceptual framework for PPE OUTCOMES
In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH
Community engagement to identify needs and aspirations In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH
Community engagement to identify needs and aspirations In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH Engage people as part of local community (or community of interest) Focus on what people need, want, or aspire to Build comprehensive picture (adults, children and young people) Work with all local partners and communities Bring together data (quantitative, qualitative) More than official data - Community and voluntary sector perspectives are key. Community development approaches are valuable Factor in access, equality and diversity issues
Public engagement to develop priorities, strategies and plans In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH
Public engagement to develop priorities, strategies and plans In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH Engage people as members of the public, citizens and taxpayers Focus on decisions about how resources are allocated and strategy development Implies transparent decision-making around complex issues Bring data from other stages into the mix Deliberative techniques are valuable Do more than consult with lay representatives Engage with other partners early & continuously Communicate honestly with those affected by decisions on change
Patient and carer engagement to improve services In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH
Patient and carer engagement to improve services In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH Engage with people as current or potential patients/users & carers Focus on improving services and pathways of care Benefits include improved access, integration, quality, experience, outcomes. Bring in data from other stages Many approaches and techniques available - ensure co- design Ensure information is used to inform decisions Outcomes should feed into contractual agreements and service standards (stages four and five). Also work with service providers, potential suppliers, clinicians and frontline staff
Patient, carer and public engagement to procure services In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH
Patient, carer and public engagement to procure services In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH Engage with patients, communities and public Not done well in the past! Time to open up the process Learning from stage three used to set standards and outcomes for service delivery People should be more fully engaged Identifying innovation, good practice, potential providers, providers who better meet patient needs directly involved in decisions about who provides services Contracts should specify: engagement activities providers should undertake patient experience data providers should collect action taken in response to that data and impact how they report on experience data and impact Keep wider public informed throughout process
Patient and carer engagement to monitor services In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH
Patient and carer engagement to monitor services In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH Engage with patients and carers to monitor services Follow up contracting agreements and service level agreements (SLAs) with data gathering Data should include patient experience and patient recorded outcome measures (PROMs) Commissioners can involve patients and carers in monitoring activities Make sure data is fed back & shared with those who monitor contracts & wider public Outcomes from this stage should be used at other stages, especially in improvement activities
Making it happen In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH
Making it happen In collaboration with NHS Institute and DH Build a shared understanding Develop an engagement strategy Embed patient and public engagement in governance arrangements Be clear on who needs to do what Develop trusting relationships Capture the right data Build capacity and support at all levels Develop engagement structures
Want to know more? Get online at Resources include Case Studies (for different stages of the Engagement Cycle) National Policy and regulation Guidance and tools Evidence and research Useful organisations Further learning and support Smart Guides to engagement on NHS Networks - Patient Experience online network - Development Support for Commissioners NHS Change Model website go to: Learning & support for Patient Leaders -