By Natasha Rojchman
Turn out PHRASAL VERB To conclude: The forecast is good, but it is too soon to say how it will turn out. Be present Attend: Not many people turned out to vote on election day.
Faded VERB To lose or cause to lose brightness, colour, or clarity. Something that is not clear.
Pinpoint VERB to locate or identify exactly: to pinpoint a problem, to pinpoint a place on a map To precise to show exactly
Uncovered ADJECTIVE Not covered; revealed or bare Not protected by insurance, security, etc With hat removed as a mark of respect To unveil
Ordinance NOUN A public regulation, rule, or order:a city ordinance. An authoritative regulation, decree, law, or practice
Curator NOUN The person in charge of a museum, zoo, etc.:the curator of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
BansVERB To prohibit, esp officially, from action, display, entrance, sale, etc; forbid NOUN an official prohibition or interdiction
A spitirual hold PHRASE A grip A bond
Raise VERB To move to a higher position; lift up; elevate: She raised her head and looked around. To set upright: When the flagpole fell they raised it again. She raised herself to her feet. To increase in amount, degree, strength, pitch, or force: He raised his voice so they could hear him. To promote the growth or development of; grow or breed: to raise corn.
Trace NOUN A mark or other sign that something has been in a place; vestige VERB to follow, discover, or ascertain the course or development of (something): to trace the history of China Find the origin of something
Wasteful ADJECTIVE Given to or characterized by waste: wasteful habits; a wasteful person. Inneficient
Turn of the century PHRASE Point when one century becomes another and changes Turn ofPHRASAL VERB To change or cause to change in course, direction
Empowered VERB To give or delegate power or authority to; authorize To give ability to; enable or permit
Lay out PHRASAL VERB To arrange or spread out To prepare (a corpse) for burial or cremation To plan or contrive Design