◄ August 2016August 2016 September 2016 October 2016October 2016 ► SunMonTueWedThuFriSat 1 **Scholarship Apps Available Online LABOR DAY 6 Freshman Election Campaign Begins FALL MIXER 3:30pm-6:00pm 16 Freshman Election Campaign Ends 17 SMASH BROTHERS CONTEST 10am-5pm Freshman Honors ELECTIONS WEEK Begins Freshman Honors ELECTIONS WEEK ENDS **SCHOLARSHIP DEADLINE 12:00pm Honors Board Meeting 4pm Judice- Rickels Quiet Lounge Scholarship Meeting 30 Notes: September 2016
Seminar Aug 30-Sept 1 FALL 2016
Judice-Rickels Updates New Plants in building Snacks on table in Kitchen Free ponchos placed out during rain Plastic umbrella covers New computer lab updates IT desk New computer desks Windows 10 and updated OSX for Macs Expanded work station (cutting board, etc.)
Building Responsibilities KEEP THE KITCHEN CLEAN – Please use respect for others by ****NOT overfilling coffee filters ****Throw used grounds and filters away once used ***Picking up trash **Cleaning up spills completely *Throwing away (your) old lunches in the fridge Report theft or questionable activities in the building to any of the Honors staff
HONORS STAFF Dr. Julia Frederick, Honors Director, History Professor Mr. Ryan Winters, MS, PLPC Academic Advising Mrs. Angela Ardoin, Administrative Asst. Mrs. Mary E. Stegall, MS, LPC Psychology Instructor, Honors Staff Member
New Staff Member! Mr. Jason Suire, Administrative Coordinator Computer Lab help desk Building Upkeep IT Help for Judice-Rickels STEP Grants Honors Youtube/Camera controller
Graduate Assistants Umatu OrikeSamuel FarmerRebecca Hausknecht
Seminar Please sit in designated areas New Attendance system More accuracy/less error Honor system; don’t sign for others Will have totals for your seminar attendance at mid-semester by your name Attend all seminars for the semester; allowed 3 absences (these excused absences are for illnesses, appointments, and emergencies) Leaving seminar prematurely after attendance sign in could lead to dismissal from the Honors Program Be respectful of speakers. No cell phones, laptops, or homework out
Honors Book Power by Linda Hogan Seminar Essays due Fri, Nov. 11 Honors Office Questions will be posted in coming weeks
CONTRACTS Contract Requests Due : September 16 th, 12:00pm
Contract Request Form Tips: Please think about what you wish to do for a contract before discussion with your professor. Do not put the onus (responsibility) on them. Please turn in a copy of the syllabus with your request form Please remember that you cannot contract a class that already has an Honors class associated with it, even if it is not being taught that semester.
Scholarships and Applications Reminder Sept. 1 st - Scholarship Applications for Fall 2016 available on the website or at window on the second floor of Honors Building Download, fill it out and turn in with transcript – transcript can come from U-link. ***Deadline, Friday, September 23 rd at 12:00 pm*** in the Honors Office, second floor.
Emergency Relief Go to Honors website homepage or Student Affairs homepage to apply for student flood relief.
Upcoming Events Fall Mixer Thurs, Sept. 15, 3:30pm-6:00pm Judice Super Smash Bros. Tournament – Sat, Sept. 17 (times to be announced) Judice Freshman Honors Board Election Campaigning starts Tue, Sept. 6 and ends Fri. Sept. 16 To run, turn in resume at Judice-Rickels Hall (Honors Office, 2 nd Floor) Those running should post election posters in Honors building VOTING: Tue, Sept. 20 – Thurs, Sept. 22 HOLIDAY : Labor Day Mon, Sept. 5 – ENJOY!
Presentation Proposals Think of what you would like to present SEMINAR TOPIC VOTING NEXT WEEK: Sept.6 - Sept. 8
BLUE CARDS Attend the Honors office in Judice-Rickels Hall on the second floor in the next 2 weeks to sign your card. Correct any information on the card that has changed. There are 250 students per Honors seminar section which is why we cannot fill out blue cards in seminar.
Any Questions? We are happy to answer any questions at this time. If you have any questions you think of at a later time, please feel free to or stop by the Honors Office on the second floor in Judice- Rickels Hall.