Health Skills- or life skills and are specific tools and strategies that help you maintain, protect and improve all aspects of your health.
The exchange of thoughts, feelings and beliefs between two or more people.
Clearly say what you mean-use “I” messages Pay attention to how you say something-use a respectful tone, check facial expressions. Be a good listener-avoid interrupting the speaker, show you are listening-nodding etc…
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Communication strategies that help you say no when you are urged to take part in behaviors that are unsafe, unhealthful, or go against your values.
Say “No” in a firm voice Explain why Suggest alternatives Use appropriate body language Leave if neccesary 03Hk&feature=related 03Hk&feature=related
The process of ending a conflict through cooperation and problem solving. The key is respecting others’ rights and your own. Follow these steps-calm down think it through, speak calmly, listen ask questions when it’s ok, use a polite tone and try to brainstorm to resolve the conflict peacefully.
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Practice Healthful behaviors-choices you make today will affect your health in the future. Managing stress: Stress management: learning ways to deal with or overcome the negative effects of stress. Ex: physical activity, music, managing your time, take a warm bath, laughing.
Internal influences-knowledge, values, likes, dislikes, and desires, things based on your experiences and your perspective on life. External influences-outside sources, include your family, your friends, peers, environment, culture, laws, and media.
Learn how to get the RIGHT information. Parents, trusted adults, teachers Library, encyclopedias… Reliable internet sites Newspaper, magazines Government agencies, health care providers, health organizations.
Taking action to influence others to address a health related concern or to support a health related belief.
Decision Making Process: steps that enable you to make a healthful decision. 1. State the Situation 2. List the Options 3. Weigh the possible options 4. Consider Values 5. Make a decision and act 6. Evaluate the decision
Goal: something you aim for that takes planning and work. Helps build self-confidence, self esteem and improve your health.
Short term goal- finishing a project by Friday, cleaning your room before dinner are examples of goals in a short period of time. Long term goal- goal that is reached over an extended period of time. Long term goals-
Action Plan- multistep strategy to identify and achieve your goals. Steps- set a specific, realistic goal and write it down. List the steps that will help reach your goal Identify sources of help and support Set a reasonable time frame for reaching your goal Evaluate your progress by establishing checkpoints Reward yourself for achieving your goal.
Character- those distinctive qualities that describe how a person thinks, feels, and behaves.
Stand up for your beliefs Learn from people who demonstrate good character traits-ask family for tips Join volunteer groups in your school and community. 3H club BHS, family or someone you look up to.
Role model-someone who’s success or behavior serves as an example for others. Who is your role model…why are the your role model???
Make a difference at home…HOW? Make a difference at school…HOW? Make a difference in your community…HOW?